Employee Profile

Tor Grenness

Professor Emeritus - Department of Communication and Culture


Grenness, Tor (2022)

“If You Don’t Cheat, You Lose”: An Explorative Study of Business Students’ Perceptions of Cheating Behavior

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research Doi: 10.1080/00313831.2022.2116479 - Full text in research archive

Student academic dishonesty is a pervasive problem for higher education institutions all over the world. The purpose of the present study is to take an interpretative, qualitative approach intended to understand student thinking and reflections when it comes to the perceived seriousness and prevalence of cheating. Peer interviews, i.e., students interviewing students, were chosen as the data collection method. Open and analytical coding based on the principles of grounded theory provided the foundations for the analyses. Overall, the results of this study support previous correlational findings, but they also demonstrate that many students tend to talk about cheating as if it is “part of the game”. It furthermore seems that students rate different forms of cheating from less to more serious, and that some forms of cheating are not perceived as cheating at all. “Everybody else does it” is obviously a widespread belief, which easily leads to—as one informant expressed it—“if you don’t cheat, you lose”. In order to deal with student cheating, the students themselves recommended fewer take-home examinations and more use of continuous assessment. The findings further indicate that schools should make an effort to build a “non-cheating culture”. Rather than punishing students, convincing them that normal behavior is not to cheat, and that cheating benefits no one is probably the best way to deal with this behavior.

Grenness, Tor & Warner-Søderholm, Gillian (2018)

Project GLOBE differences in values and practices scores - mind the gap: the case of the nordics

Journal of International Doctoral Research, 7(1), s. 116- 142.

Grenness, Tor (2017)

Storytelling as a way for Humanizing Research Methods

Journal of International Doctoral Research, 5(1)

Warner-Søderholm, Gillian & Grenness, Tor (2016)

Kulturelle normer, selvsensur og ytringsfrihet: finner vi regionale forskjeller?

Alm, Kristian; Brown, Richard Mark & Røyseng, Sigrid (red.). Kommunikasjon og ytringsfrihet i organisasjoner

Grenness, Tor (2015)

Culture matters: space and leadership in a cross-cultural perspective

Ropo, Arja; Salovaara, Perttu, Sauer, Erika & De Paoli, Donatella (red.). Leadership in spaces and places

Grenness, Tor (2015)

National culture and economic performance: a cross-cultural study on culture's impact on econimic performance across the 27 member countries of the european union

Journal of International Doctoral Research, 4(1), s. 69- 97. Doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2013.13672abstract

Reiche, B. Sebastian; Cardona, Pablo, Lee, Yih-Teen, Canela, Miguel Ángel, Akinnukawe, Esther, Briscoe, Jon P., Bullara, César, Caparas, Maria Victoria, Caprar, Dan V., Charlemagne, Dallied, Grenness, Tor, He, Wei, Jamro, Konrad, Kainzbauer, Astrid, Koester, Kathrin, Lazo, Alma, Moreno, Alejandro, Morley, Michael J., Myloni, Vivian, Nadeem, Sadia, Aguirre, Marisa Nieto, Svishchev, Alexey, Taylor, Scott N. & Wilkinson, Helen (2014)

Why do managers engage in trustworthy behavior? A multilevel cross-cultural study in 18 countries

Personnel Psychology, 67(1), s. 61- 98. Doi: 10.1111/peps.12038

Grenness, Tor (2013)

Manager-Subordinate Trust Relationships in Norway

Cardona, Pablo & Morley, Michael J. (red.). Manager-Subordinate trust: A Global Perspective

Grenness, Tor & De Paoli, Donatella (2012)

Building and transferring corporate culture and leadership philosophy through alternative workplace design. The case of Telenor Norway

Journal of the Moscow State University, s. 29- 55.

Grenness, Tor (2012)

På jakt etter en norsk ledelsesmodell

Magma forskning og viten, s. 51- 59.

Grenness, Tor (2012)

Hofstede revisited: Is making the ecological fallacy when using Hofstede's instrument on individual behavior really unavoidable?

International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), 7(7), s. 75- 84. Doi: 10.5539/ijbm.v7n7p75

Grenness, Tor (2011)

The impact of National Culture on CEO Compensation and Salary Gaps between CEOs and Manufacturing Workers

Compensation and Benefits Review, 43(2), s. 100- 108. Doi: 10.1177/0886368710393136

Grenness, Tor (2011)

Will the Scandinavian leadership Model survive the forces of Globalization? A SWOT analysis

International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 7(3), s. 332- 351. Doi: 10.1504/IJBG.2011.042062

Grenness, Tor (2010)

Trusting people you don't know more than trusting your manager - a paradox or isit possible to explain? lessons from cross-cultural studies on trust

Advances in Business Related Scientific Research Journal, 1(2), s. 93- 109.

Grenness, Tor (2005)

Refleksjoner på frynsegoder i et tverrfaglig perspektiv

Knudsen, Knud & Ryen, Anne (red.). Anne Ryen og Knud Knudsen (eds): Hvordan kan frynsegoder bli belønning

Grenness, Tor (2004)

Refleksjoner rundt frynsegoder i et tverrkulturelt perspektiv

Anne Ryen og Knud Knudsen (red): Hvordan kan frynsegoder bli belønning?

Grenness, Tor (2003)

Scandinavian Managers on Scandinavian Management

International Journal of Value-Based Management, 16, s. 9- 21.

Grenness, Tor (2011)

Ledelse er hvem, hva, hvor

Dagens Næringsliv [Avis]

Grenness, Tor (2011)

Typisk norsk ledelse

Dagens Næringsliv [Avis]

Grenness, Tor (2013)

National Culture and Economic Performance

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Aug 9-12.

Grenness, Tor (2012)

Hvordan kan du vite om noe er sant? 2. utgave

[Textbook]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Grenness, Tor & De Paoli, Donatella (2011)

Building and transferring corporate culture and leadership philosophy through alternative work place design. The case of Telenor, Norway

[Academic lecture]. The 9th EISAM workshop on International Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management. Moscow, Oct 21-22.

De Paoli, Donatella Maria & Grenness, Tor (2011)

Tansfer of Telenors Scandinavian Workform, leadership philosophy and alternative office space design in Asia

[Academic lecture]. 9th Workshop on International Strategy and Cross Cultural Management.

De Paoli, Donatella Maria & Grenness, Tor (2011)

Building and transferring corporate culture and leadership philosophy through alternative workplace design. The case of Telenor

[Academic lecture]. NORKOMM(5)Nordic Research Seminar on Communication,2011,.

Grenness, Tor (2009)

A reciprocal model of trust in manager-subordinate relationships: an eighteen-country study

[Academic lecture]. AOM Annual Meeting.

Grenness, Tor (2008)

Managementspråkets nøkkelbegreper

[Textbook]. Cappelen Damm AS.

Grenness, Tor (2004)

Hvordan kan du vite om noe er sant? Veiviser i forsknings- og utredningsarbeid for studenter, ledere, konsulenter og journalister

[Textbook]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2000 Brunel University D.B.A.
1990 University of Oslo Master Cand. Polit.
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2001 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor
2001 - 2001 BI Norwegian Business School Assistant professor
2000 - 2000 BI Norwegian BusinessSchool Assistant Professor II