Employee Profile

Victor Andrés Renza Avellaneda

PhD Candidate - Department of Communication and Culture


Victor is a PhD candidate in the Department of Communication and Culture at BI-Norwegian Business School and affiliated to BI's Centre for Creative Industries (BI:CCI) and The Nordic Centre for Internet and Society (NCIS). His work focuses on exploring the intersection between the arts and technology and its impact on organisational contexts, society and individuals. His current research interests focus on community building, self-organisation, business and marketing strategies of artists and their interaction with technologies such as blockchain, AI, ER, metaverses and the construction of the web3 narrative.


Avellaneda, Victor Andrés Renza (2023)

AI Generated Art; The Apple of Discord in the Era of the Creative Robots

Morals + Machines, s. 32- 39.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2019 Norwegian University of Life Sciences - NMBU Master of Science