Employee Profile

Arne Fredrik Lyshol

Adjunct Associate Professor - Department of Economics


Lyshol, Arne Fredrik; Nenov, Plamen & Wevelstad, Thea (2021)

Duration Dependence and Labor Market Experience

Labour Doi: 10.1111/labr.12188 - Full text in research archive

We study whether unemployment duration dependence—the negative effect of a current unemployment spell on an individual's employment probability—varies with labor market experience. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and the Current Population Survey, we show that although there is negative duration dependence for experienced workers, it is mostly absent for new entrants to the labor force. This difference suggests that structural forces in addition to ex ante heterogeneity in job-finding probabilities and dynamic selection may drive unemployment duration dependence. Our findings are robust to the econometric model used and to a number of demographic controls and time trends, as well as individual fixed effects. We also discuss whether a number of theories of duration dependence can explain our empirical findings.

Lyshol, Arne (1)

Mer friksjon i boligmarkedet - fordel bare for Finn.no

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Borge, Lars-Erik; Asphjell, Magne Krogstad, Lyshol, Arne, Nyhus, Ole Henning, Vamsæther, Kristen & Wold, Mads Fjeld (2024)

Måling av effektivitet i kommunale tjenester

[Report]. NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS.

Bakgrunnen for denne rapporten er at SØF siden 2011 har skrevet årlige rapporter om effektivitet og effektivitetsutvikling i kommunale tjenester. Et sammendrag av rapportene er publisert i TBUs høstrapporter. Transportøkonomisk institutt (TØI), i samarbeid med Frischsenteret, ble i 2021 engasjert til å evaluere SØFs analyser og foreslå forbedringer i analyseopplegget. Sluttrapporten er dokumentert i Rødseth mfl. (2022). Denne rapporten er i hovedsak en videreføring av de tidligere effektivitetsanalysene og en oppfølging av anbefalinger i Rødseth mfl. (2022).

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2020 BI Norwegian Business School PhD
2015 Handelshøyskolen BI Master of Science
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2022 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Adjunct Associate Professor
2020 - 2022 Housing Lab, Oslo Metropolitan University Adjunct Researcher
2020 - 2022 BI Norwegian Business School Lecturer