Employee Profile

Cecilie Asting

Lecturer - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour


Asting, Cecilie & Gottschalk, Petter (2023)

Attorney Fraud in the Law Firm: A Case Study of Crime Convenience Theory and Crime Signal Detection Theory

Deviant Behavior, 44(4), s. 591- 602. Doi: 10.1080/01639625.2022.2071657

This article starts with a brief review of law firm business. Next, crime convenience theory is applied to the case by identifying relevant convenience themes for financial motive, organizational opportunity, and personal willingness. Then, a brief application of crime signal detection theory is presented. In the discussion, governance in the form of restrictions based on convenience theory is discussed. Prevention and detection of wrongdoing is at the core of governance to secure compliance with laws, regulations, rules, and guidelines. The lack of transparency among stakeholders in the case of the law firm is detrimental to governance. The discourse and rituals of transparency, account-giving, and verification are central to governance.

Gottschalk, Petter & Asting, Cecilie (2020)

Crime Signal Detection Theory: Two Case Studies of the Five-Stage Model from Observer to Whistleblower

Deviant Behavior Doi: 10.1080/01639625.2020.1816147 - Full text in research archive

The objective of this article is to present a study of two observers turning into whistleblowers through stages of crime signal detection, registration, interpretation, reception, and knowledge. The study applies signal detection theory emphasizing signal alertness, signal reflection, pattern recognition, and personal knowledge. The research method applied is personal interviews with the whistleblowers who noticed deviant behavior, one of which blew the whistle on corruption that later led to the incarceration of several corporate executives. Results indicate that the whistleblowers became more certain of their information as they could discuss their observations with others. An important human factor in whistleblowing is thus the ability to discuss initial observations with people that one can trust, which can lead to documented allegations against suspected individuals. The case studies illustrate experience from troublesome whistleblowing on top executives, where the second whistleblower was less successful.

Gottschalk, Petter & Asting, Cecilie (2020)

Entitled to embezzlement? The case of successful executives working for rich heirs

Deviant Behavior, 41(3), s. 269- 277. Doi: 10.1080/01639625.2018.1564365 - Full text in research archive

Gottschalk, Petter & Asting, Cecilie (2019)

The family firm as an arena for white-collar crime

International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management (IJBCRM), 9(4), s. 283- 297. Doi: 10.1504/IJBCRM.2019.102594 - Full text in research archive

In this article, we identify certain aspects of family firms that can cause specific personal motives, organisational opportunities and deviant behaviours. Based on the theory of convenience, we identify organisational opportunities for family members to defraud their own firm. We also identify personal willingness for non-family members to defraud the family firm where they work. We do not argue that white-collar crime is more or less frequent in family firms compared to other kinds of firms. There are several solutions to this problem. Family members should not have voting rights and privileges that cause actions without controls. Non-family members expect firms to pay them fairly and to stimulate them to identify with the business.

Asting, Cecilie & Swanberg, Anne Berit (2011)

How can we make junior business students understand the importance of learning organizational behaviour and management?

Seminar.net - Media, technology and lifelong learning, 7(2), s. 69- 78.

Swanberg, Anne Berit & Asting, Cecilie (2021)

Er dagens ledere klare for å lede de unge? (podcast)

Oppgradert [Internett]

Asting, Cecilie & Swanberg, Anne Berit (2023)

Nye former for ledelse: Lederutvikling og rommelig kontekst

[Academic lecture]. NEON-dagene 2023.

Asting, Cecilie & Swanberg, Anne Berit (2023)

Hvordan lede forskjellige generasjoner? Generasjon Z på vei inn i arbeidslivet

[Academic lecture]. Partnerforums vårkonferanse.

Swanberg, Anne Berit & Asting, Cecilie (2023)

Nyere former for ledelse: Ledelse og Gen Z

[Academic lecture]. NEON-dagene 2023.

Asting, Cecilie & Swanberg, Anne Berit (2020)

Nye lederutfordringer: Generasjon Z inn i arbeidslivet

[Academic lecture]. NEON 2020.

Asting, Cecilie & Swanberg, Anne Berit (2020)

Nye forventninger til ledelse?

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Praktisk økonomi & finans, 36(3), s. 200- 209. Doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-2871-2020-03-04 - Full text in research archive

Det er skrevet mye om god ledelse og hva det innebærer å være en god leder. Listene er relativt overlappende og vanskelig å være uenig i (Birkinshaw 2014). Likevel, det er lov å være nysgjerrig på hvordan vår digitale, omskiftelige tid påvirker hvordan ledelse utøves og hvilke forventninger som stilles til ledelse. Særlig har vi sett nærmere på hvilke forventninger nye generasjoner har til ledelse. Vi har i den anledning spurt årets førsteklassinger ved BIs bachelorstudier om hva de mener er de viktigste lederegenskapene. Vi har sett svarene vi fikk i sammenheng med eksisterende lederteori og framvoksende modeller for vår digitale og uforutsigbare tid. Kan dagens ledere fortsette med sin praksis når Generasjon Z entrer norske arbeidsplasser?

Jevnaker, Birgit Helene & Asting, Cecilie (2017)

«De måske egnede» En diskurs om organisasjons- og ledelsesfag i siviløkonomutdanningen.

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Magma forskning og viten, 20(5), s. 70- 80.

Asting, Cecilie (2013)

Student response system (SRS) - motivation and learning outcome

[Academic lecture]. Assessment in HE Conference.

Swanberg, Anne Berit; Sjarbani, Larissa, Holte Haug, Kristin, Tvenge, Nina, Bøe, Tove & Asting, Cecilie (2012)

TECnology and MEdia USe in higher education

[Academic lecture]. NFPF/NERA’S 40TH CONGRESS.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2008 BI Norwegian Business School Master
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2012 - Present Norwegian Academy of Music Lecturer
2009 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Lecturer
2004 - 2009 BI Norwegian Business School Lecturer
2000 - 2002 Enitel ASA/IdComnet AS Marketing manager
1998 - 2000 Self-employed Consultant
1997 - 1998 Matnett AS Marketing manager
1994 - 1996 Moss Dagblad AS Marketing manager
1992 - 1994 Semic Nordisk Forlag A/S Product manager
1991 - 1992 Reklamebyråforeningen Project manager
1987 - 1990 De norske Bokklubbene Product secretary