Employee Profile

Øivind Hagen

Associate Professor - Campus Trondheim

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour


I am an associate professor at the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, BI Norwegian Business School at BI Trondheim. I received my PhD in 2009 from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Psychology. Title of dissertation: “Do Socially Responsible Brands Lead to Socially Responsible Companies? Understanding Change in Expressive Organizations”. Prior to BI, I have worked as a research scientist at the research foundation SINTEF Technology and Society. I have also been affiliated with NTNU’s Industrial Ecology Programme. And, I have been a visiting scholar at institutions like Stanford University, University of California Berkeley, University South Carolina and University of Wales College of Cardiff (master student). My work has been published in journals like Corporate Reputation Review, Focus Journal, International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, Journal of Business Ethics, and Magma.
Research areas
Organizational change, organizational culture, organizational identity.
Organizational expressiveness, organizational communication, corporate social responsibility, legitimacy. Ethnographic research, case studies, qualitative methodology.

Teaching areas
Organizational behavior.
Organizational communication.


Hagen, Ingunn & Hagen, Øivind (2024)

The impact of yoga on occupational stress and wellbeing: exploring practitioners’ experiences

Frontiers in Public Health, 12 Doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1352197 - Full text in research archive

Background: Workplace stress is a serious problem globally. It represents a major threat to the UN’s sustainability goal of good health and wellbeing (SDG 3). The purpose of this article is to explore how yoga may be a tool for increased wellbeing and stress management at work and in everyday life. Methods: To examine how yoga can facilitate employees’ wellbeing and ability to cope with stress, we performed qualitative interviews with practitioners who did yoga regularly. We focused on how yoga was experienced by each of our interviewees and what practicing yoga meant to them. Our data material consists of 13 semi-structured lifeworld interviews. The sample consisted of 10 female and 3 male in the age range of 20–55  years old. The data were analyzed through a thematic analysis. Results: The themes identified in the thematic analysis include: (1) yoga as a tool for increased wellbeing, (2) yoga for coping with stress and dealing with challenges, (3) the role of breathing, and (4) contextual factors. While confirming other research findings, this article elaborates on aspects informants described as induced by yoga, like self-awareness, calmness, balance, moodlifting, focus, presence, self-care, and mastery. The reported positive outcomes of yoga constituted increased wellbeing, and also facilitated the ability to cope with stress and experience less stress. Informants also emphasized that yogic breathing was a central factor in inducing wellbeing and feeling less stressed. They also expressed that contextual factors, such as time, teacher, and location, influenced how practicing yoga was experienced and made sense of. Conclusion: The study concludes that the interviewees experienced practicing yoga as positive, by reducing their occupational stress. Moreover, yoga increased their wellbeing, as well as their ability to cope with stress. These experienced changes were especially

Sonnenschein, Katrine Biering; Hagen, Øivind, Rostad, Ingrid Steen & Wiik, Ragnhild (2022)

“Make it possible for more people to work at home!” representations of employee motivation and job satisfaction in Danish and Norwegian newspapers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Frontiers in Psychology, 13 Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.972562

Carson, Siri Granum; Hagen, Øivind & Sethi, Prakash S. (2015)

From Implicit to Explicit CSR in a Scandinavian Context: The Cases of HÅG and Hydro

Journal of Business Ethics, 127(1), s. 17- 31. Doi: 10.1007/s10551-013-1791-2

Carson, Siri Granum & Hagen, Øivind (2014)

Loosening or tightening the bindings? Renegotiating the social contract through deregulation and organizational expressiveness

Focus Journal, 9(2), s. 42- 50.

Hagen, Øivind (2011)

“Individualitet og kollektivitet i moderne verksemder: Mot den kulturlause organisasjon?” (revidert/3. utgave av boka Ny personalpsykologi for et arbeidsliv i endring. Nye perspektiver på samspillet organisasjon og menneske (tidligere registrert i 2003/2006))

Saksvik, Per Øystein (red.). Arbeids- og organisasjonspsykologi - Aktuelle tema til inspirasjon for et bedre arbeidsliv

Hagen, Øivind (2008)

Driving environmental innovation with corporate storytelling: is radical innovation possible without incoherence?

International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 3(3/4), s. 217- 233.

Hagen, Øivind (2008)

Seduced by their proactive image? On using auto communication to enhance CSR

Corporate Reputation Review, 11(2), s. 130- 144.

Hagen, Øivind (2006)

Individualitet og kollektivitet i moderne verksemder: Mot den kulturlause organisasjon?

Saksvik, Per Øystein & Nytrø, Kjell (red.). Ny personalpsykologi for et arbeidsliv i endring. Nye perspektiver på samspillet organisasjon og menneske

Hagen, Øivind (2003)

Individualitet og kollektivitet i moderne verksemder: Mot den kulturlause organisasjon?

[Mangler etternavn], [Mangler fornavn] (red.). I P. Ø. Saksvik og K. Nytrø (red). Ny personalpsykologi for et arbeidsliv i endring

Hagen, Øivind (2002)

Mot et etisk marked?

Forseth, Ulla & Rasmussen, Bente (red.). Arbeid for livet

Hagen, Øivind (2021)

NTNU vs. Eikrem – en leksjon i konflikthåndtering.

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2019)

«Stort sprik i reklamekostnader for landets universiteter og høgskoler»

Khrono [Avis]

Hagen, Øivind (2019)

«Snur opp ned på jobbkaffen»

Dagbladet nettutgaven [Avis]

Hagen, Øivind (2018)

Statoil Beyond Petroleum

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind & Lyngstadås, Hakim (2018)

Når reklame utfordrer.

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2017)

Et være eller ikke være for Tesla

Stavanger Aftenblad [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2017)

Endrer fossil bilbransje

Adresseavisen [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2016)

Psykedelikaforsker skaper bølger

Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening, [Tidsskrift]

Hagen, Øivind (2016)

Når meglerne tar parti

Stavanger Aftenblad [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2015)

Få norske ledere vil til topps

dagens Næringsliv [Avis]

Hagen, Øivind (2015)

30 år med organisasjonskultur

Ukeavisen ledelse [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2014)


Adresseavisen [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2014)

Er dette verdens smarteste taxisjåfør?

Stavanger Aftenblad Nettavis og Aftenbladet Nettavis [Avis]

Hagen, Øivind (2014)

En slik sikkerhetsvideo har du aldri sett før

Aftenposten Nettavis [Avis]

Hagen, Øivind (2014)

Kjedene konkurrer om å bli kvitt palmeolje

Adresseavisen [Avis]

Carson, Siri Granum & Hagen, Øivind (2014)

Ekspressiv ansvarlighet

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2013)

Hygienesjokket på McDonald's går verden rundt

TV2 nettavis [Internett]

Hagen, Øivind (2013)

Lederverktøy: Slik blir du en god historieforteller – Vi forteller historier for å endre

Ukeavisen Ledelse [Avis]

Hagen, Øivind (2013)

Hva er morgendagens toppleder?

Stavanger Aftenblad [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2013)

Store ord om samfunnsansvar

Ukeavisen ledelse [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2013)

Store ord om samfunnsansvar

Stavanger Aftenblad [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2012)

Morgendagens toppleder

Bergens Tidende [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind; Hung, Christine, Josefsen, Kjell Domaas & Pettersen, Johan (2011)

”Biogass – fra idealisme til næringsutvikling”

Stavanger Aftenblad [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind; Hung, Christine, Josefsen, Kjell Domaas & Pettersen, Johan (2011)

”Biogass tar ikke av”

Adresseavisen [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2007)

Clintons andre akt

Adresseavisen [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2006)

California – foregangsstaten i vest?

Adresseavisen [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2006)

California – foregangsstat i vest?

Fædrelandsvennen [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2006)

California – foregangsstat i vest?

Stavanger Aftenblad [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2006)

Vil han vekke USA?

Adresseavisen [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2006)

Kan han vekke USA?

Stavanger Aftenblad [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2006)

Al Gores kamp mot global oppvarming

Dagbladet [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (2006)

Hundre år siden det store skjelvet

Dagbladet [Kronikk]

Sonnenschein, Katrine Biering; Hagen, Øivind, Rostad, Ingrid Steen & Wiik, Ragnhild (1)

Three things Covid-19 taught us about hybrid working

BI Business Review [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind; Sonnenschein, Katrine Biering, Rostad, Ingrid Steen & Wiik, Ragnhild (1)

Kampen om fremtidens arbeidsplass

Bergens Tidende [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (1)

Donasjonsbasert skoleutvikling: Donasjonsøkonomien

Ukeavisen ledelse [Kronikk]

Hagen, Øivind (1)

30 år med organisasjonskultur

BI Leadership Magazine [Kronikk]

Lyngstadås, Hakim & Hagen, Øivind (2024)

Kvalitative metoder for handelshøyskoleutdanningen. Et tankesett for morgendagens ansatte og ledere.

[Textbook]. Fagbokforlaget.

Hagen, Øivind (2023)

“Stories of adjustments and hope: How the pandemic took away the future of work, and how newspapers reconnected us with it. A study of how daily newspapers covered Scandinavian working life’s dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic”.

[Academic lecture]. Haravard University, SCANCOR Weatherhead Alumni Conference 2023.

Hagen, Øivind (2023)

“Qualitative methodology for economics education – A necessary mindset to educate tomorrow's managers and employees”. A text book-project.

[Academic lecture]. Harvard University, Weatherhead SCANCOR seminar-series.

Hagen, Øivind (2023)

“Stories of Adjustments and Hope: How the Pandemic took away the Future of work, and how Newspapers Reconnected us with it”.

[Academic lecture]. Harvard University, Weatherhead SCANCOR seminar-series.

Hagen, Øivind; Sonnenschein, Katrine Biering, Rostad, Ingrid Steen & Wiik, Ragnhild (2023)

Kampen om fremtidens arbeidsplass

[Popular scientific article]. BI Business Review

Sonnenschein, Katrine Biering; Hagen, Øivind, Rostad, Ingrid Steen & Wiik, Ragnhild (2022)

Three things Covid-19 taught us about hybrid working

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. BI Business Review

Hagen, Øivind & Carson, Siri Granum (2019)

“A historic analysis of the rise of expressive CSR in in Norway: Moving beyond the implicit/explicit CSR-distinction?”.

[Academic lecture]. CSRCOM19 The 5th International CSR Communication Conference, Stockholm School of Economics, Sept, 2019..

Hagen, Øivind (2018)

Endring og strategi i ekspressive virksomheter. CSR-kommunikasjon som organisasjonsutvikler.

[Academic lecture]. Handelshøyskolen BI 3 timers forelesning på Erfaringsbasert bachelorprogram i ledelse (ORG 2000 Leadership in Action), 22. mars, 2018..

Hagen, Øivind (2018)

Ekstern kommunikasjon, CSR og auto-kommunikasjon

[Academic lecture]. Gjesteforelesning i faget Kommunikasjon i organisasjoner og mediepsykologi (PSY3134), 18. sept. 2018..

Hagen, Øivind; Carson, Siri Granum, Padilla, Rafael Ángel Araque, Pino, Juan Miguel Rey & Simó, María José Montero (2018)

“The rise of explicit CSR in Europe: A historical comparison between the Scandinavian and the Mediterranean-European model of corporate social responsibility”.

[Academic lecture]. EAEPE and YSI-INET International Symposium 2018 Paradigms of economic policy: examples and lessons from the Nordics, NTNU June 2018..

Hagen, Øivind (2017)

Ekspressivitet som drivkraft for organisasjonsendring.

[Academic lecture]. NTNU Erfaringsbasert masterprogram i organisasjon og ledelse..

Hagen, Øivind (2017)

Selvoppfyllende profetier og selvforføring. Ekspressiv CSR som organisasjonsutvikler

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Magma forskning og viten, s. 43- 50.

Hagen, Øivind & Carson, Siri Granum (2016)

The rise of expressive CSR in Europe. A historical comparison between Scandinavia and Mediterranean Europe

[Academic lecture]. International Conference on Business, Policy and Sustainability at the Copenhagen Business School, 16-17 June 2016.

Hagen, Øivind (2015)

Beyond implicit and explicit CSR: Elaborating the changing role of CSR in Scandinavia

[Academic lecture]. workshop Responsible business for a sustainable development – Comparing the U.S. and the Scandinavian context, Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 2015 at UC Berkeley (organized by Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study, Haas Business School, NTNU and BI)..

Hagen, Øivind (2015)

The shift from implicit CSR to explicit CSR in the Scandinavian setting – A turn from legal to normative business regulation?

[Academic lecture]. NTNU ISP-FIDE Conference Grand challenges and our obligations to future generations.

Carson, Siri Granum & Hagen, Øivind (2014)

Loosening or tightening the bindings? - Renegotiating the social contract through deregulation and organizational expressiveness

[Academic lecture]. EBEN Annual conference 2014 Business Ethics in a European Perspective A Case for Unity in Diversity?.

Hagen, Øivind (2014)

In between self-fulfilling prophecies and self-seduction. On organizational expressiveness as a driver for change

[Academic lecture]. The Comparative Sociology/Education Workshop at Stanford University.

Hagen, Øivind & Carson, Siri Granum (2014)

Loosening or tightening the bindings? How deregulation and organizational expressiveness change the firm-society relation

[Academic lecture]. The SCANCOR Friday Seminar Oct. 31st, 2014 at Stanford University..

Carson, Siri Granum & Hagen, Øivind (2014)

Loosening or tightening the bindings? Renegotiating the social contract through deregulation and organizational expressivenes

[Academic lecture]. The 6th International Conference on Ethical Leadership: The Indian Way, 9th - 10th Jan, 2014.

Carson, Siri Granum & Hagen, Øivind (2013)

Express and legitimize - The transition from implicit to explicit CSR in the Scandinavian context

[Academic lecture]. Corporate Social Responsibility across Europe: Northern and Southern Perspectives.

Carson, Siri Granum; Hagen, Øivind & Sethi, Prakash S. (2013)

From Implicit to Explicit CSR in a Scandinavian Context: The Cases of HÅG and Hydro

[Academic lecture]. Globalization and the cultural variations of CSR.

Hagen, Øivind (2013)

Frameworks for analyzing CSR in Scandinavia... and Spain?”

[Academic lecture]. Corporate Social Responsibility across Europe: Northern and Southern Perspectives,.

Hagen, Øivind (2013)

CSR across Europe: Northern vs. Southern approaches. A research proposal

[Academic lecture]. ISP-FIDE PhD Forum and workshop Globalization and the cultural variations of CSR.

Hagen, Øivind (2013)


[Academic lecture]. Masterkurs i Kommunikasjon i organisasjoner og mediepsykologi (PSY3134).

Hagen, Øivind (2013)

Mellom selvoppfyllende profetier og selvforføring. Om ekstern kommunikasjon som drivkraft for organisasjonsendring

[Academic lecture]. Arbeids- og organisasjonspsykologi (PSYPRO4052), Psykologisk institutt NTNU,.

Hagen, Øivind (2012)

Engasjement og deltagelse! Hvordan BI-studiene kan gjøre deg til en god leder

[Academic lecture]. Handelshøyskolen BI Trondheims immatrikuleringsdag 2012.

Hagen, Øivind (2012)

CSR – det ultimate uttrykket for organisatorisk ekspressivitet

[Academic lecture]. Forelesninger/seminar i faget ”Omdømmehåndtering og omdømmeforsvar ” på erfaringsbasert master i personalledelse (HRM).

Hagen, Øivind (2012)

Expressiveness as a driver for innovation. The case of CSR

[Academic lecture]. The role of corporations in a ‘world at risk’.

Carson, Siri Granum; Hagen, Øivind & sethi, prakash (2012)

"Explicating the implicit: Developments in the framing of corporate social responsibility in the Norwegian context"

[Academic lecture]. CSR Futures: Knowledge and Practice.

Hagen, Øivind; Hung, Christine, Josefsen, Kjell Domaas & Pettersen, Johan (2011)

”A manure-based eco-park: how society and technology affect the environmental performance of biogas from manure”. (presented by C. Hung)

[Academic lecture]. The 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, Berkeley, USA, 7-10 June.

Hagen, Øivind (2011)

”Biogass Trøndelag: Helhetlig og lokalt tilpasset design av biogassanlegg. Et flerfaglig forskningsprosjekt.”

[Academic lecture]. Biogass11 – Nasjonal konferanse om biogass og miljø.

Hagen, Øivind (2011)

”Skaper samfunnsansvarlige merkevarer samfunnsansvarlige bedrifter? Om ekspressivitet som drivkraft for organisasjonsendring”

[Academic lecture]. ’Organisatorisk omdømme’ (masterkurs, 6t., STV3057).

Hagen, Øivind; Hung, Christine, Josefsen, Kjell Domaas & Pettersen, Johan (2011)

Forutsetninger for biogassproduksjon i Norge. En flerfaglig casestudie av Ørland og Frosta

[Report]. SINTEF Teknologi og samfunn.

Hagen, Øivind (2010)

CSR-eksponering som innovasjonskraft i bedrifter

[Academic lecture]. Nasjonal konferanse om CSR som innovasjonsdriver i norsk næringsliv.

Rey Pino, Juan; Hagen, Øivind, Carson, Siri Granum, Araque-Padilla, R.A & Montero-Simo, M.J. (2009)

The rise of explicit CSR in Europe: A historical comparison between Scandinavia and Mediterranean Europe

[Academic lecture]. The 16th International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, Badajoz, Spain, 4-6 Sept. 2017..

Hagen, Øivind (2007)

Organisasjonsteoriens behandling av forholdet mellom organisasjon og omgivelse. En vitenskapsteoretisk tilnærming (Workingpaper)

[Report]. NTNUs Program for industriell økologis rapportserie (ISSN 1504-3681).

Hagen, Øivind (2007)

Mellom håndverk og refleksivitet. Om kvalitetssikring av kvalitative forskningsintervju (Workingpaper)

[Report]. NTNUs Program for industriell økologis rapportserie (ISSN 1504-3681).

Hagen, Øivind (2007)

Skaper samfunnsansvarlige merkevarer samfunnsansvarlige bedrifter?

[Academic lecture]. Miniseminar CSR NTNUs Institutt for økonomi og teknologiledelse.

Hagen, Øivind (2007)

Seduced by its proactiveness? A longitudinal case study of CSR-implementation through branding

[Academic lecture]. NTNUs Program for industriell økologis lunch-seminar.

Hagen, Øivind (2007)

Kronikkskriving - Fra ide til ferdig kronikk

[Academic lecture]. Lunsj-seminar NTNUs Program for industriell økologi.

Hagen, Øivind (2007)


[Academic lecture]. Personalpsykologi PSY 1050 NTNU.

Hagen, Øivind (2007)

Skaper samfunnsansvarlige merkevarer samfunnsansvarlige bedrifter? Om forholdet mellom ekstern kommunikasjon og organisasjonsutvikling

[Academic lecture]. Kurs på masternivå i "Kommunikasjon i organisasjoner", NTNU.

Hagen, Øivind (2007)

Do socially responsible brands lead to socially responsible companies?

[Academic lecture]. “CSR in global production systems – conceptual and applied issues”.

Hagen, Øivind (2007)

Seduced by their proactive image? A casestudy on the relationship between CSR and auto communication

[Academic lecture]. The 2nd international conference “Globalization and the good corporation".

Hagen, Øivind (2005)

Skaper samfunnsansvarlige merkevarer samfunnsansvarlige bedrifter? Om forholdet mellom merkevarebygging og organisasjonsutvikling: IndEcol Working papers 1/2005

[Report]. NTNUs Program for industriell økologi.

Hagen, Øivind (2005)

Do socially responsible brands lead to socially responsible companies? A PhD-project on the relationship between branding and organisational development

[Academic lecture]. CSR Research Seminar / CSR Forum at NTNU: Social responsibility – Inbetween branding and organisational development.

Hagen, Øivind (2005)

Do socially responsible brands lead to socially responsible companies? On developing social responsible companies through branding

[Academic lecture]. the 9th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Image, Identity and Competitiveness.

Hagen, Øivind (2005)

Skaper samfunnsansvarlige merkevarer samfunnsansvarlige bedrifter? Om forholdet mellom merkevarebygging og organisasjonsutvikling

[Academic lecture]. CSR-forum, NTNU-SINTEF.

Hagen, Øivind & Steiro, Trygve Jakobsen (2001)

Kunnskapsøkonomien – gamal vin på ny flaske eller eit begrep for faktiske endringar?

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Magma forskning og viten

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2009 Norwegian University of Science and Technology Ph.D.
1997 NTNU Master Cand. Polit.
1993 University of Bergen/Høgskolen Stord-Haugesund Cand.Mag
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2010 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor
2014 - 2014 Stanford University Visiting Scholar
1998 - 2010 SINTEF Technology and Society Research scientist
2004 - 2009 Psykologisk institutt/ Program for industriell økologi NTNU PhD candidate
2006 - 2006 University of California Berkeley Visiting Scholar
2004 - 2004 University of South Carolina Visiting Scholar
1997 - 1998 Programme for Industrial Ecology NTNU Research Assistant