Employee Profile

Per Espen Stoknes

Associate Professor - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour


Per Espen Stoknes is a psychologist with an doctoral degree in economic theory from Univ of Oslo. He is a TED Global speaker, and serves as co-director of Centre for Sustainability and Energy at the Norwegian Business School. He has won numerous “Best professor awards” at BI Executive programs over the years. Per Espen is an internationally recognised thought-leader in sustainability issues and has written several books. Among them Tomorrow’s Economy (2021) on MIT Press (available in 3 languages), and What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming (2015) which won the Outstanding Academic Title from American Library Association. He is also co-author of the Earth for All (2022) book (in 10 languages) and was the science coordinator for the Earth4All project, hosted at the global think tank Club of Rome. Work experience: An experienced facilitator of strategic foresight processes, he’s also serial entrepreneur. That includes co-founding clean-tech companies GasPlas and Sensonomic, and for periods holding positions such as CEO and/or chairman of the board. Per Espen served as member of Norwegian Parliament during the 2017-2021, and on the EU Commission’s mission board on Horizon Europe’s Climate Change and Societal Adaptation 2019-2021. Research interests Per Espen’ interdisciplinary doctoral degree (Philosophiae Doctor, equivalent to a PhD) is from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Univ. of Oslo. It examined, through the lens of philosophy of science and psychological linguistics, how the theory-constitutive metaphors of economic theory have impacted — and impeded — climate economics, policies and the entire climate discourse. Per Espen is fascinated and passionate about discovering how improving the inter-connections between psychology, economics and sustainability can contribute to accelerating organisational transformations and economic systems shift. A main driver has been to explore how scientific knowledge can deliver more real-world impact. And the green thread going through the research is how to weave together behavioural, business and policy levels into more sustainable leadership and organisational development. His latest field-work and writings explore the domains of regenerative leadership and finance with inspiration from indigenous cultures. How can their ancient Earth stewardship practices be integrated with and supported by modern finance, rather than being demolished by it?


Stoknes, Per Espen; Aslaksen, Iulie, Goluke, Ulrich, Randers, Jørgen & Garnåsjordet, Per Arild (2024)

Plausible futures for the Norwegian offshore energy sector: Business as usual, harvest or rebuild?

Energy Policy, 184 Doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113887 - Full text in research archive

The global energy transition from fossil to low-carbon energy challenges the future of the Norwegian petroleum sector, a major factor in the country's economy, now facing financial climate risk and long-term declining demand, particularly for gas to the EU. What energy policies can assist transition into a low-carbon society? We explore three investment scenarios for the Norwegian offshore energy sector from 2020 to 2070: 1) Business as usual, 2) Increasing cash-flow by harvesting existing petroleum fields and cutting investments (Harvest-and-Exit), or 3) Rebuilding with green offshore energy investments. In a new economic model, we compare impacts on key macro- and sector-economic variables. We find that rebuilding by investing moderately in green offshore energy production could reverse the extra job decline that a quicker phase-out of petroleum investments would incur. The impacts on the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund - Government Pension Fund Global - and on gross domestic product (GDP) per capita are insignificant to 2050 and positive by 2070. The simulated investments and economic results can be compared with observations to constitute forward-looking indicators for energy transitioning in producer countries.

Stoknes, Per Espen & Walderhaug, Elisa Dahl (2023)

Klimaregnskap som konkurransefortrinn

Magma forskning og viten, 26(4), s. 92- 102. Doi: 10.23865/magma.v26.1410 - Full text in research archive

Hvordan står det egentlig til med klimaregnskapene i norske bedrifter? Artikkelen gir en kort status på dagens utbredelse og drøfter formål, metoder og praksis for klimaregnskap og klimamål med henblikk på konkurransefortrinn. I denne artikkelen anvender vi en sammenfattende kvalitativ tilnærming som baserer seg på en kombinasjon av mange ulike typer data, datakilder, internasjonale veiledere og standarder, og reflekterer over egne erfaringer på feltet i Norge. På den bakgrunn drøfter vi hvilke utfordringer selskaper står overfor fremover med hensyn til rapportering, klimamålsettinger og strategier for grønn vekst.

Fæhn, Taran & Stoknes, Per Espen (2023)

Involving stakeholders in scenario-building: Lessons from a case study of the global context of Norway’s climate policies

Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11 Doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1048525 - Full text in research archive

This paper assesses the relevance and outcome of involving a transdisciplinary group of stakeholders in a scenario-building research project. The scenarios describe plausible external, long-term conditions with the aim to improve the knowledge basis of a national (Norwegian) government pursuing climate policy targets for 2030 and 2050 under uncertainty. The scenario process has two phases with quite different roles for the participants. In the first, the aim is to create broad engagement and participation in exploring narratives for how key external conditions might develop and form premises for the national climate strategies for Norway. The ambition in this phase is to deduce a handful of wide-ranging and distinctly different, qualitative scenarios. The second phase is devoted to translating the narratives into quantitative projections for the Norwegian economy and greenhouse gas emissions by means of linking global and national largescale models. We claim that research projects building and using scenarios have significant potential to benefit from involving a broad stakeholder group in developing qualitative narratives. The second phase involves complex quantitative simulations. In order to provide scientific rigor and credibility to the scenarios, this phase primarily calls for scholars with technical skills, knowledge on the research frontier and modelling experience. Nevertheless, later use of these scenarios in numerical policy studies can gain from resumed researcher-stakeholder interaction.

Dixson-Declève, Sandrine; Gaffney, Owen, Ghosh, Jayati, Randers, Jorgen, Rockström, Johan & Stoknes, Per Espen (2022)

Earth for All - A survival guide for Humanity

New Society Publishers.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2021)

Tomorrow's Economy: A Guide to Creating Healthy Green Growth

MIT Press.

Collste, David; Cornell, Sarah E., Randers, Jørgen, Rockström, Johan & Stoknes, Per Espen (2021)

Human well-being in the Anthropocene: Limits to growth

Global Sustainability, s. 1- 17. Doi: 10.1017/sus.2021.26 - Full text in research archive

Transformation of the world towards sustainability in line with the 2030 Agenda requires progress on multiple dimensions of human well-being. We track development of relevant indicators for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1–7 against gross domestic product (GDP) per person in seven world regions and the world as a whole. Across the regions, we find uniform development patterns where SDGs 1–7 – and therefore main human needs – are achieved at around US$15,000 measured in 2011 US$ purchasing power parity (PPP).

Stoknes, Per Espen; Bjerke Soldal, Olav, Hansen, Sissel, Kvande, Ingvar & Skjelderup, Sylvia Weddegjerde (2021)

Willingness to Pay for Crowdfunding Local Agricultural Climate Solutions

Sustainability, 13(16) Doi: 10.3390/su13169227

The recent rise in climate concern among citizens worldwide is coinciding with a rising interest in agricultural climate solutions. The future scaling-up of these solutions, however, requires more knowledge about the mitigation potential, costs and financing options, including crowdfunding (CF). Our objective is to explore the driving factors behind the public’s willingness to pay for crowdfunded climate mitigation projects at the farm level. In this study, four mitigation options from the perspective of farmers were identified: solar panels on the barn roof, biogas from animal manure, drag hoses for improved manure dispersal, and the addition of biochar to soils. The study investigates the optimal characteristics of crowdfunding campaigns to finance such mitigation measures. The most influential factors on the respondents’ WTP is neither climate concern nor proximity, but instead the knowledge regarding CF, combined with how comprehensible and salient the suggested measure is. The main implications are that future projects that aim to achieve broad participation in CF campaigns need to communicate well, to improve both public knowledge of the funding mechanism (CF) itself and the comprehensibility and salience of the agricultural measure.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2020)

Grønn Vekst - En Sunn Økonomi for det 21.århundre

Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

How to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals within planetary boundaries by 2050

Real-world Economics Review, 87, s. 231- 246.

Randers, Jørgen; Rockström, Johan, Stoknes, Per Espen, Golüke, Ulrich, Collste, David, Cornell, Sarah E. & Donges, Jonathan F. (2019)

Achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals within 9 planetary boundaries

Global Sustainability, 2 Doi: 10.1017/sus.2019.22 - Full text in research archive

The world agreed to achieve 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Nine planetary boundaries set an upper limit to Earth system impacts of human activity in the long run. Conventional efforts to achieve the 14 socio-economic goals will raise pressure on planetary boundaries, moving the world away from the three environmental SDGs. We have created a simple model, Earth3, to measure how much environmental damage follows from achievement of the 14 socio-economic goals, and we propose an index to track effects on people's wellbeing. Extraordinary efforts will be needed to achieve all SDGs within planetary boundaries.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

Hvordan måle ekte grønn vekst og unngå grønnvaskingsfellen

Magma forskning og viten, 22(5), s. 69- 78. - Full text in research archive

Sett at du og jeg og hele organisasjonen vi jobber med, tar klimaproblemet på alvor. Hvordan kan et selskap, en sektor eller et helt land dokumentere at vi arbeider i tråd med klimamålet i Paris-avtalen? Hvordan kan man rapportere på en måte som ikke bare grønnvasker enkeltinitiativer, men som viser at man både skaper mer verdier og samtidig yter sin rettferdige andel på hele klima- og miljøfeltet? Dette er spørsmålet som artikkelen besvarer gjennom å gi en kort innføring i sammenhengen mellom grønn vekst og vitenskapsbaserte mål (science-based targets). Vi finner at karbonproduktiviteten må vokse med mer enn fem prosent per år for at vi skal ha ekte grønn vekst.

Stoknes, Per Espen & Rockström, Johan (2018)

Redefining green growth within planetary boundaries

Energy Research & Social Science, 44, s. 41- 49. Doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2018.04.030 - Full text in research archive

Over the last decade, green growth policies have drawn increasing interest. OECD, UNEP, the World Bank and the EC have had several initiatives on the issue, and the Nordic countries have a special program on it. Definitions and indicator sets have been developed, though critics have pointed out that most initiatives amount to little more than a greenwashing of conventional economic growth. The paper proposes and discusses two definitions of green growth, one weak and one strong. Both build on resource- and carbon productivity measures, but whereas the weak definition requires absolute decoupling, the strong or “genuine green growth” requires sufficient decoupling to achieve science based targets for planetary boundaries. The approach is tested at country levels, starting with the climate boundary, by analyzing progress on carbon productivity (“CAPRO”) in Nordic countries since 2000. Results show that so far, among Nordic countries, Sweden, Finland and Denmark have achieved genuine green growth, while Norway has not. Implications for policy and communication of green growth are discussed.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2017)

Why the human brain ignores climate change, - and what to do about it.

Kessler, Elisabeth & Karlqvist, Anders (red.). Environmental Reality: Rethinking the Options. His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden's 12th Royal Colloquium

Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Almås, Anders-Johan, Flyen, Cecilie, Stoknes, Per Espen & Lohne, Jardar (2017)

User guides for the climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure in Norway – Characteristics and impact

Climate Services, 6, s. 23- 33. Doi: 10.1016/j.cliser.2017.06.009 - Full text in research archive

To reduce future damages on buildings and infrastructure, and prepare society for the coming climate challenges, in recent years numerous user guides have been developed. The objective of this study is to provide the first overview and analysis of, the characteristics of the existing guidance material for the climate adaptation of the built environment in Norway. 84 user guides and web portals are mapped and analysed, focusing on target groups and topics. The results are viewed in relation to qualitative interviews with experts responsible for promoting climate adaptation. A large share of the guidance material communicates climate adaptation at a general level rather than in-depth practical measures. The interviews confirm that there is an overwhelming amount of guidance material, and it is suggested that this may cause confusion and uncertainty among users. The study and its findings are placed within a context of the climate services literature, and ‘‘user guides” are understood as a type of ‘‘climate services product”. A main conclusion is that the abundance of user guides does not automatically lead to better climate adaptation. Too few user guides for climate adaptation sufficiently secure easily accessible information on practical measures. The guides are not broadly utilised, the language and length of the texts are sometimes problematic, and the target groups are often wide or not specified. The results presented may be used in order to develop improved user guides for climate adaptation in societies with similar climate and societal challenges to those in Norway.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2015)

A happy Climate? A new narrative for climate politics in the 21st century

Stoknes, Per Espen & Eliassen, Kjell Arnold (red.). Science based activism. Festschrift to Jørgen Randers

Stoknes, Per Espen & Eliassen, Kjell Arnold (2015)

Science based activism. Festschrift to Jørgen Randers


Stoknes, Per Espen (2014)

Rethinking climate communications and the “psychological climate paradox”

Energy Research & Social Science, 1, s. 161- 170. Doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2014.03.007 - Full text in research archive

Greaker, Mads; Stoknes, Per Espen, Alfsen, Knut H. & Ericson, Torgeir (2013)

A Kantian approach to sustainable development indicators for climate change

Ecological Economics, 91, s. 10- 18. Doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.03.011

Stoknes, Per Espen (2023)

Sommer i P2 - Klimapsykolog Stoknes

NRK P2 [Radio]

Haukeland, Per Ingvar; Stoknes, Per Espen, Kappfjell, Tom & Henriksen, Thoralf (2022)

Samiske Hellige Fjell

Harvest Magazine [Kronikk]

Einevoll, Gaute & Stoknes, Per Espen (2021)

Podcast #48: Om grønn vekst

Podcast: Vett og vitenskap med Gaute Einevoll [Internett]

Hansen, Frid Kvalpskarmo & Stoknes, Per Espen (2020)

Svalkast episode 3 - Apokalypseutmattelsen. Sesong 2 episode 3

Naturligvis : en podkast om natur fra NINA [Internett]

I denne episoden av Svalkast skal klimapsykolog Per Espen Stoknes hjelpe alle oss som har kjent klimadepresjonen lure i hjernens mørke kroker. Han vil dessuten gi svar på spørsmålet mange stiller seg: Hvorfor skjer det så lite når vi vet så mye om klimaendringene?

Stoknes, Per Espen (2020)

Ekspertintervjuet: Grønn vekst etter koronakrisen,

EnergiOgKlima.no [Internett]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2020)

På tross av miljøbevegelsens protester: Forskere mener grønn vekst er mulig

Aftenposten [Avis]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2020)

Klimasamtalen handler ofte mer om følelser enn fakta

ABCnyheter.no [Internett]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2020)

Interview Podcast: Breaking down barriers on climate change

EcoTextile News Podcast [Internett]

Stoknes, Per Espen & Masvie, Andreas Espegren (2020)

Skader klimaalarisme klimaet?

MinervaNett [Internett]

Stoknes, Per Espen & Tveitereid, Simen (2020)

Det går for sakte, men det er tusenvis av endringer som dytter i riktig retning

Dagens næringsliv [Avis]

Stoknes, Per Espen & Thon, Bjørn Arild (2020)

Norske ledere må lære seg sirkulærøkonomi

Finansavisen [Kronikk]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2020)

Vekst er umulig – gi oss vekst

Dagbladet [Kronikk]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2020)

Why the way we talk about climate change makes some people stop listening

CBC.ca [Radio]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2020)

Sommer i P2 - Klimapsykolog Stoknes

NRK P2, Oslo [Radio]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

Slik rammer Greta

Morgenbladet [Avis]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

Psykologifaget er medansvarlig for klimakrisen

Forskning.no [Internett]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

NPR TED Radio Hour episode Climate Crisis - What Holds Us Back From Facing The Threats Of Climate Change?

NPR USA [Radio]

There's no greater threat to humanity than climate change. What can we do to stop the worst consequences? This hour, TED speakers explore how we can save our planet and whether we can do it in time.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

Living Planet: Per Espen Stoknes on climate inaction

DW Deutsche Welle [Internett]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

NRK Lindmo talkshow om klimapsykologi


Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

Greta den Store, om Greta Thunbergs metode for klimakommunikasjon

Morgenbladet [Kronikk]

Tangeraas Lygre, Eirik; Fløttum, Kjersti & Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

Slik kan betre språk redda klima

framtida.no Magasinett [Avis]

Rockström, Johan; Randers, Jørgen & Stoknes, Per Espen (2018)

Kan vi unngå «Hothouse Earth»?

Ukeavisen ledelse [Kronikk]

Randers, Jørgen & Stoknes, Per Espen (2018)

Smartest for kloden

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2018)

En akademiker krysser sine spor

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2018)

The brain - the barrier and solution, In The Report Sustainable Consumerism in the Nordic Region

Nordic Ecolabel [Fagblad]

Stoknes, Per Espen & Wanous, Sara (2018)

Using psychology for better messaging on climate change

www.RedGreenAndBlue.org [Internett]

Stoknes, Per Espen & Lutteman, Markus (2018)

Why we are constantly asked to fight climate change as individuals - and why it doesn’t work

www.Medium.com [Internett]

Stoknes, Per Espen & Larsson, Ylva (2018)

Förklaringen till att du inte tar till dig klimathotet: De fem D:na

SVT Nyheter [TV]

Stoknes, Per Espen & Renå, Anne Siri (2018)

Mener det mulig å fortsette med oljeindustrien og samtidig nå klimamålene. Se hvordan.

FriFagbevegelse [Fagblad]

Stoknes, Per Espen & Jortveit, Anne Karin (2018)

#Klimarisiko: – Festen er over. Det ser langsiktige investorer, sier Per Espen Stoknes

Energi og Klima [Internett]

Byrne, Fergal & Stoknes, Per Espen (2018)

UN Climate Week Special: Dr. Per Espen Stoknes: The psychology behind climate change denial

The Sustainability Agenda [Internett]

Dr. Per Espen Stoknes is a distinguished psychologist and economist and chair of the Centre for Green Growth at the Norwegian Business School. He is a pioneer in the field of climate change psychology, which he has studied for twenty years–and the author of numerous books including the acclaimed What We Think About When We Try Not to Think About Global Warming (2015). Per is also a serial entrepreneur and co-founder of the clean tech company GasPlas. In this revealing interview, Per unpacks the psychology of climate change communications –and why increased scientific certainty on this issue has only entrenched apathy among much of the general public. He outlines the five key psychological barriers impeding climate change action, explains why gloomy narratives about climate change are ineffective, and counsels communication that takes into account people’s psychology—for example, stressing the wider societal benefits of climate action through “positive framing”. Stoknes also highlights the dangers assuming the general public reach decisions on a rational basis, highlighting the influence of the mass media’s powerful distortions of climate issues, such as the “ClimateGate” debacle of 2009

Suttie, Jill & Stoknes, Per Espen (2018)

How to Overcome “Apocalypse Fatigue” Around Climate Change

Greater Good Magazine [Internett]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2017)

TED Global Talk: How to transform apocalypse fatigue into action on global warming

www.TED.com [Internett]

Stoknes, Per Espen & Schwarzenegger, Arnold (2015)

GOP - don't lose out on the energy revolution

CNN.com [Kronikk]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2015)

NRK Klima-uke P1 NRK.no: Klimapsykologi i 10 X 2min animerte intervjuer

http://nrk.no/skole/klippdetalj?topic=urn:x-mediadb:21291 [Internett]

Stoknes, Per Espen (2015)

NRK P1 Debatten, 3. Des, om Klima. Innledning om klimapsykologi.


Kleiven, Helga Flesche; Stoknes, Per Espen, Mohn, Klaus & Furdal, Turid (2013)

Kvifor fornektar me klimakrisa?

Stavanger Aftenblad [Avis]

Haukeland, Per Ingvar; Stoknes, Per Espen, Kappfjell, Tom & Henriksen, Thoralf (1)

Nei til nedbygging av hellige fjell!

Sagat [Kronikk]

Stoknes, Per Espen; Aslaksen, Iulie, Golüke, Ulrich, Randers, Jørgen & Garnåsjordet, Per Arild (2021)

Plausible futures for the Norwegian Offshore Energy Sector: Business as Usual, Harvest or Rebuild?

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Discussion papers

The global energy transition from fossil to low-carbon energy challenges the future of the Norwegian petroleum sector, a major factor in the country’s economy, now facing financial climate risk and longterm declining demand, particularly for gas to the EU. What energy policies can assist the transition into a low-carbon society? We explore three investment scenarios for the Norwegian offshore energy sector from 2020 to 2070: 1) Business as usual, 2) Increasing cash-flow by harvesting existing petroleum fields and cutting investments (Harvest-and-Exit), or 3) Rebuilding with green offshore energy investments. In a new economic model, we compare impacts on key macro- and sectoreconomic variables. We find that investing moderately in green offshore energy production can reverse the extra job decline that a quicker phase-out of petroleum investments would incur. The impacts on the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund - Government Pension Fund Global - and on gross domestic product (GDP) per capita are insignificant to 2050 and positive by 2070. The simulated investments and economic results can be compared with observations to constitute forward-looking indicators of Norway's energy transitioning.

Otte, Pia; Mæhle, Natalia, Hansen, Sissel, Farstad, Maja, Bjerke Soldal, Olav, Stoknes, Per Espen & Banet, Catherine (2021)

COOLCROWD – en veiledning for lokal folkefinansiering av klimatiltak i landbruket

[Report]. RURALIS - Institutt for rural- og regionalforskning.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2020)

The new psychology of climate action

[Academic lecture]. Climate Conference Listening, storytelling and matchmaking.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2020)

Climate Communication Challenges and the psychology of adaptation

[Academic lecture]. Adaptation Canada 2020.

Stoknes, Per Espen; Karevold, Knut Ivar & Stålsett, Gry (2020)

Hva er klimapsykologi?

[Popular scientific article]. Psykologisk.no

Stoknes, Per Espen; Soldal, Olav B. & Weddegjerde, Sylvia (2020)

Tilrettelegging for lokal folkefinansiering av klimatiltak i landbruket - Oppsummering av undersøkelse om betalingsvillighet

[Report]. Ruralis.

This report presents the first main deliverable of work package 4 in the Coolcrowd project, an international research project funded by the Research Council of Norway. A national survey was undertaken with a representative sample of 1500 Norwegians during February 2020, based on the findings from three focus groups. The survey finds that overall, there is a low level of knowledge about crowdfunding in the Norwegian public. Yet, a large proportion of the public indicates interests in supporting measures to combat climate change in agriculture, through crowdfunding. Of four possible crowdfunding model the most popular is donations, i.e. give directly to the farms. The most trustworthy organisation to operate crowdfunding campaigns for the agricultural sector are research institutes. Of four climate solutions, respondents indicate that solar panels on barns are the most popular climate technology, for which respondents indicate an average willingness to pay of 186 NOK through a crowdfunding campaign. On average each respondent is willing to pay 161 NOK each for any climate measure. About half of the sample say it is important that the supported measures have proven climate effects. Still, one fifth indicate wiliness to support novel climate measures, not yet tested at large scale in Norwegian agriculture. Roughly 50% indicate that they prefer to support farmers in their local neighbourhood.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

Hvor lander helikopterpengene? Om gratis penger som økonomisk stimulus

[Popular scientific article]. Pan. Harvest Publishing

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

Er grønn vekst mulig? Innenfor planetens tålegrenser

[Academic lecture]. Zero-konferansen 2019.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

Kjemp for din økodepresjon!

[Popular scientific article]. Pan. Harvest Publishing

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

8 nyanser av grønn vekst

[Popular scientific article]. Pan. Harvest Publishing

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

Reell grønn vekst er i dypøkologiens ånd

[Popular scientific article]. Pan. Harvest Publishing

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

Vår Solrike Fremtid

[Popular scientific article]. Innomag

Stoknes, Per Espen (2019)

Grønn vekst er mulig og ønskelig

[Popular scientific article]. Energi og Klima : Norsk klimastiftelses nettmagasin

Fæhn, Taran & Stoknes, Per Espen (2018)

Significant and plausible futures: Global surroundings of Norway’s climate strategies

[Report]. Statistisk sentralbyrå.

This report synthesises the results of a workshop on explorative scenarios for the global social, economic, technological and political development from 2020 to 2050. The 19 participants included national and international researchers and experts in the transdisciplinary Forum of the project – see http://www.ssb.no/en/forskning/energi-og-miljookonomi/klimapolitikk-ogokonomi/smart-paths-smart-paths-and-costly-detours-towards-a-sustainable-lowemission-society. The work resulted in a handful of alternative, internally consistent, qualitative scenarios for the forthcoming global social, economic, technological, and political development. These will serve as a starting point for the numerical scenarios to be generated and analysed in the project SMART PATHS (Research Council of Norway #268200). Thanks to workshop participants for this work being possible and for valuable input to this report. We also appreciate the comments on earlier drafts from Kristine Grimsrud and Cathrine Hagem and are grateful for research grants from the Research Council of Norway (Klimaforsk #268200).

Stoknes, Per Espen; Jørgen, Randers, Rockström, Johan, Randers, Jørgen, Golüke, Ulrich, Collste, David & Cornell, Sarah E. (2018)

Transformation is Feasible - How to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals within Planetary Boundaries

[Report]. Stockholm Resilience Center.

If the world’s nations continue with the same efforts as in the recent decades we will not achieve SDGs by 2030, nor 2050. By 2030, in the business-as-usual scenario, the world’s success score on SDGs will be only 10 out of 17, up from 9 in 2015. The main problems are that satisfying the social SDGs with conventional policy tools will lead to very large human footprints in terms of resource use and pollution outputs, and to increasing inequity. The state of the Earth’s planetary boundaries (PBs) will be further in the red, high-risk zone particularly with regards to global warming, biodiversity loss, air pollution and toxic entities in nature. There is high risk for pushing the Earth’s life supporting systems beyond irreversible trigger-points by 2050.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2017)

Hvis vi vet så mye, - hvorfor gjør vi så lite?

Dinamo, Forlag (red.). Folkets Klimadugnad

Stoknes, Per Espen (2015)

What We Think About - When We Try Not To Think About - Global Warming: The New Psychology of Climate Science Communication

[Academic lecture]. AGU Joint Assembly 2015.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2015)

"The Great Grief: How To Cope with Losing Our World"

[Popular scientific article]. Psychologytoday.com

Stoknes, Per Espen (2015)

What we think about when we try not to think about global warming : toward a new psychology of climate action

[Scientific book]. Chelsea Green Publ.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2009)

Money and Soul - The Pscyhology of money and the transformation of capitalism

[Textbook]. Green Books.

Stoknes, Per Espen (2007)

Penger og Sjel - en ny balanse mellom finans og følelser

[Scientific book]. Flux forlag.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2011 University of Oslo Ph.D Dr. Philos.
1994 University of Oslo Master Cand. Psychol.
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2011 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Ass professor
2000 - Present Stoknes Futures AS Owner
2012 - 2014 MetalPlas AS Chairman, project leader
2008 - 2013 GasPlas AS Chairman, Co-founder, head of research
2006 - 2012 BI Norwegian Business School Adjunct Senior Lecturer
2009 - 2011 BI Norwegian Business School Researcher
2001 - 2008 Norwegian Inst. Expressive arts & communication Head of studies Coaching
2000 - 2005 BI Norwegian Business School Industrial Professor II