Employee Profile

Geir Gripsrud

Professor Emeritus - Department of Marketing


Gripsrud, Geir; Hunneman, Auke & Solberg, Carl Arthur (2023)

Speed of internationalization of new ventures and survival in export markets

International Business Review, 23(4) Doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2023.102121 - Full text in research archive

Speed of internationalization may refer to how early a new venture goes abroad as well as how fast it expands its activities post-entry. The present paper incorporates both aspects and analyzes to what extent several dimensions of speed influence the ability of new ventures to survive in export markets. Based upon extant theories, two perspectives are deduced – a Learning perspective and a Resource perspective – leading to partly contrasting hypotheses. The hypotheses are tested based upon a unique data set consisting of all new ventures established in Norway a specific year that started to export goods in the following nine years. Among the findings are that survival rates increase when ventures go international immediately after inception and when they expand rapidly into new countries rather than focusing on expanding their export share in a limited number of markets, thus lending support to the Resource perspective.

Gripsrud, Geir; Hunneman, Auke & Solberg, Carl Arthur (2015)

Where and When?A Longitudinal Study of Export Behavior of New Ventures

Ghauri, Pervez & Kirpalani, V.H.Manek (red.). Handbook of Research on International Entrepreneurship Strategy

Gripsrud, Geir; Hunneman, Auke & Solberg, Carl Arthur (2015)

Revisiting Uppsala through the Lenses of New Ventures: A Longitudinal Study of Norwegian Firms

Advances in International Marketing, 26, s. 1- 14.

Nes, Erik Bertin & Gripsrud, Geir (2014)

When does it pay off to link a brand name to a country?

Journal of Euromarketing, 23(1-2), s. 22- 36. Doi: 10.9768/0023.01-2.022

Gripsrud, Geir (2012)

Fra Ski-VM til Vinter-OL i Oslo?

Hanstad, Dag Vidar (red.). Ski-VM 2011 : planlegging og gjennomføring

Olsen, Nina Veflen & Gripsrud, Geir (2011)

Comparing internal and alliance-based New Product Development processes: case studies in the food industry

International Journal of Product Development, 13(3), s. 245- 261. Doi: 10.1504/IJPD.2011.040269

Gripsrud, Geir; Nes, Erik B. & Olsson, Ulf Henning (2010)

Effects of Hosting a Mega-Sport Event on Country Image

Event Management, 14, s. 193- 204.

Auruskeviciene, Vilte; Pundziene, Asta, Skudiene, Vida, Gripsrud, Geir, Nes, Erik B. & Olsson, Ulf Henning (2010)

Change of Attitudes and Country Image after Hosting Major Sport Events

Engineering Economics, 21(1), s. 53- 59.

Gripsrud, Geir (2009)

Pristilbud - veiledning eller villedning?

Magma forskning og viten, 12(4), s. 39- 44.

Gripsrud, Geir (2008)

OL og markedsføring av land

Magma forskning og viten, 11(2), s. 40- 47.

Gripsrud, Geir (2007)

Kjeder, men ikke kjedelig: Norsk dagligvarehandel 1977-2007

Makt, mening og struktur: festskrift til Sigmund Grønmo, Odd Gåsdal et al. (red.)

Gripsrud, Geir; Solberg, Carl Arthur & Ulvnes, Arne Morten (2006)

The effect of information collection behavior on market performance: The role of partner relationships

Advances in International Marketing, s. 135- 157.

Gripsrud, Geir; Jahre, Marianne & Persson, Göran (2006)

Supply Chain Management - back to the Future?

International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 36(8), s. 643- 659.

Gripsrud, Geir & Benito, Gabriel R.G. (2005)

Internationalization in Retailing: Modeling the Pattern of Foreign Market Entry

Journal of Business Research, 58(12), s. 1672- 1680.

Gripsrud, Geir (2004)

The marketing discipline and distribution research: Time to regain lost territory?

Håkansson, H., Harrison, D., Waluszewski, A. (eds): Rethinking Marketing

Gripsrud, Geir & Benito, Gabriel R.G. (2001)

Promotion of products from developing coutries : an overview and assessment of import promotion efforts

Trade and investment in a globalising world/ed. by Rajneesh Narula

Benito, Gabriel R.G. & Gripsrud, Geir (1999)

Promoting efforts from developing countries: An empirical test of the impact of import promotion offices

The international trade journal, 13(2), s. 187- 209.

Gripsrud, Geir; Buckley, P.J. & Ghauri, P.N. (1998)

The expansion of foreign direct investments: discrete rational location choices or a cultural learning process?

The Internationalization of the Firm. A reader

Grønhaug, Kjell & Gripsrud, Geir (1998)

Exploring the Robustness of Organizational Buying Knowledge: The Case of Purchase Behavior in Public Schools

?, 47(4)

Benito, Gabriel R G & Gripsrud, Geir (1995)

The internationalization process approach to the location of foreign direct investments: An empirical analysis

Green, Milford & MacNaughton, Rod (red.). The Location of Foreign Direct Investment: Geographic and Business Approaches

Gripsrud, Geir & Benito, Gabriel R G (1995)

Promoting imports from developing countries: A marketing perspective

Journal of Business Research, 32(2), s. 141- 148.

Benito, Gabriel R G & Gripsrud, Geir (1992)

The expansion of foreign direct investments: Discrete rational location choices or a cultural learning process?

Journal of International Business Studies, 23(3), s. 461- 476.

Gripsrud, Geir & Lindestad, Bodil (1998)

Eiendomsmeklere og boligbyggelag

? [Kronikk]

Lanseng, Even Johan; Gripsrud, Geir & Nes, Erik Bertin (2021)

Perception of multiple country-of-brand origins and the effect of foreign-sounding brand names on attitude

[Academic lecture]. 2021 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference.

Silkoset, Ragnhild; Olsson, Ulf H. & Gripsrud, Geir (2021)

Metode, dataanalyse og innsikt

[Non-fiction book]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Sallis, James E; Gripsrud, Geir, Olsson, Ulf H. & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2021)

Research Methods and Data Analysis for Business Decisions A Primer Using SPSS

[Non-fiction book]. Springer.

Gripsrud, Geir; Olsson, Ulf Henning & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2021)

Metode, dataanalyse og innsikt

[Non-fiction book]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Nygaard, Arne; Gripsrud, Geir & Bø, Eirill (2018)

Ledelse av Forsyningskjeder

[Textbook]. Fagbokforlaget.

Gripsrud, Geir; Hunneman, Auke & Solberg, Carl Arthur (2015)

Revisiting Uppsala through the lenses of new ventures: A longitudinal study of Norwegian firms

[Academic lecture]. CiMaR 2015.

Gripsrud, Geir; Hunneman, Auke & Solberg, Carl Arthur (2015)

Comparing 'born globals' and other exporting firms: A longitudinal study

[Academic lecture]. ANZIBA 2015.

Solberg, Carl Arthur; Gripsrud, Geir & Hunneman, Auke (2014)

Redefining Born Globals? A cohort analysis of Norwegian Born Globals

[Academic lecture]. New Research Themes in International Entrepreneurship.

Solberg, Carl Arthur; Gripsrud, Geir & Hunneman, Auke (2014)

Kartlegging og analyse av eksportmønstre og -strategier. Sluttrapport til Innovasjon Norge, Februar 2014

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Nygaard, Arne; Gripsrud, Geir & Bø, Eirill (2013)

Ledelse av Forsyningskjeder

[Textbook]. Fagbokforlaget.

Nes, Erik Bertin & Gripsrud, Geir (2010)

Country of origin image and brand image congruence: The impact on brand equity

[Academic lecture]. International Marketing Trends Conference.

Gripsrud, Geir & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2010)

Metode og Dataanalyse: Beslutingsstøtte for bedrifter ved bruk av JMP. Oppgavesamling

[Textbook]. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget.

Gripsrud, Geir; Olsson, Ulf Henning & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2010)

Metode og dataanalyse. Beslutningsstøtte for bedrifter ved bruk av JMP

[Textbook]. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget.

Gripsrud, Geir (2009)

The changing marketing discipline and the search for a "differential advantage"

[Academic lecture]. EMAC Annual Conference 2009.

Gripsrud, Geir; Nes, Erik Bertin & Olsson, Ulf (2006)

Effects on country image by hosting a major sports event

[Academic lecture]. Anziba.

Gripsrud, Geir; Olsson, Ulf Henning & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2004)

Metode og Dataanalyse. Med fokus på beslutninger i bedrifter

[Textbook]. Høyskoleforlaget AS.

Benito, Gabriel R.G. & Gripsrud, Geir (2002)

Internationalization in Retailing: Explaing The Pattern of Foreign Market Entry

[Academic lecture]. EIBA Annual Conference.

Olsen, Per Ingvar & Gripsrud, Geir (2002)

Persktiver for norsk jordbruksvaresektor

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Gripsrud, Geir; Solberg, Carl Arthur & Ulvnes, Arne Morten (2001)

Information Collection Behavior and Performance in Export Channels

[Academic lecture]. 14th IMP Annual Conference, September 3-5.

Gripsrud, Geir; Solberg, Carl Arthur & Ulvnes, Arne Morten (2001)

Exporters Information Collection Behavior and Performance: The Role of Trust and Experience

[Academic lecture]. 30th EMAC Conference.

Gripsrud, Geir & Olsen, Nina Veflen (2001)

Hvordan virker samvirker? Markedsorientering og produktuvikling i norsk landbrukssamvirke

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Gripsrud, Geir; Solberg, Carl Arthur & Ulvnes, Arne Morten (2001)

Exporters information collection behavior: An Exploratory Study

[Academic lecture]. IMP konferanse.

Gripsrud, Geir & Olsson, Ulf Henning (1999)


[Textbook]. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget.

Gripsrud, Geir & Olsson, Ulf (1998)

Markedsanalyse. Kompendium

[Textbook]. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget.

Gripsrud, Geir; Grønmo, Sigmund & Lorentzen, Tore (1982)

Markeds- og distribusjonsforskning i Norge

Arndt, Johan & Pedersen, Ansgar J. (red.). Markedsføring: Idégrunnlag, strategi og organisasjon

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
1971 University of Oslo Master Cand. Oecon
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2016 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Professor emeritus
1991 - 2016 BI Norwegian Business School Professor
2010 - 2013 BI Norwegian School of Management Dean Master of Science
1998 - 2007 Norwegian School of Management Dean Bachelor Programs
1999 - 2001 BI Norwegian Business School, Center for Research on Cooperatives Director
1995 - 1996 Copenhagen Business School, Department of Marketing Visiting Professor
1988 - 1991 BI Norwegian Business School Research Professor
1988 - 1989 California State University, Long Beach Part-time Lecturer
1986 - 1988 Export Council of Norway Research Director,
1984 - 1988 BI Norwegian Business School Adjunct Associate Professor
1976 - 1986 Norwegian Fund for Market and Distribution Research Research Director
1982 - 1983 Norwegian School of Economics and Business Visiting Associate Professor
1972 - 1976 Norwegian Fund for Market and Distribution Research Research Associate