Employee Profile

Bernt Rønningsbakk

Associate Professor - Campus Stavanger

Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship


Steen, Riana & Rønningsbakk, Bernt (2021)

Emergent Learning During Crisis: A case study of the Arctic Circle border crossing at Storskog in Norway

Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy (RHCPP) Doi: 10.1002/rhc3.12211

This explorative study addresses emergent learning related to the refugee crisis in Norway in 2015. We define emergent learning as organizational learning that occurs as a benign by‐product of solving immediate problems as they arise. The study is based mainly on secondary data; media coverage, public evaluation report, and other public documentation. The results from empirical research confirm that emergent learning has had a profound influence on how the Storskog crisis in 2015 was managed. Our findings also reveal suboptimal problem solving, insufficient management capacity, and public organizations who were not prepared to respond fast enough.

Rubach, Synnøve; Guvåg, Bjørn, Giskeødegaard, Marte Fanneløb, Larsen, Øyvind Heimset, Nesse, Jon Gunnar, Rønningsbakk, Bernt & Meland, Kjersti V. (2017)

Oppsummeringsrapport for VRI 3 forskningsprosjekt RECIN: Regional Challenges and possibilities – Innovation and value creation in business Networks

[Report]. Østfoldforskning.

Rønningsbakk, Bernt (2017)

Public Projects to Stimulate Open Innovation: Progress Measurement Pitfalls and why Agencies' Interests matters

[Academic lecture]. 23rd Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research.

Rønningsbakk, Bernt (2015)

Innovation Policy vs Business Strategy

[Academic lecture]. 11th International Regional Innovation Policies Conference.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
1994 Norwegian University of Science and Technology Ph.D Dr. Ing
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2013 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Associate professor
2005 - Present Audiolense® Employee
2006 - 2009 BI Norwegian Business School Adjunct Associate professor in Entrepreneurship and Business Development
2002 - 2009 Own practice Business consulting and various business development activities
1998 - 2002 Ernst & Young Management Consulting Manager/ Managing consultant
1996 - 1998 Asplan Viak Stavanger Consultant
1992 - 1996 Kværner Rosenberg as Senior engineer
1988 - 1991 SINTEF - IFIM Researcher
1988 - 1988 Norwegian University of Science and Technology Research assistant - Strategic Management