Employee Profile

Corina Fehlner

PhD Candidate - Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Faculty

Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship


Fehlner, Corina (2024)

Come closer! On transaction costs and spatial choices in a circular economy

Van Tulder, Rob; Grøgaard, Birgitte & Lunnan, Randi (red.). Walking the talk? : MNEs transitioning towards a sustainable world

Benito, Gabriel R G & Fehlner, Corina (2022)

Multinational enterprises and the circular economy

Merchant, Hemant (red.). The New Frontiers of International Business

In this chapter, we explore the role of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the circular economy (CE). MNEs play a key role in reshaping business systems as they orchestrate a significant part of value activities in various locations across the globe. We argue that MNEs’ adoption of CE opportunities differs due to corporate and contextual influences. In particular, we suggest that MNEs’ corporate strategies regarding value activity integration, product diversification, and location choices influence how they approach CE. Industry and location factors also play roles in facilitating or impeding CE advancement. Regarding the international business ramifications of CE, we discuss the impact of MNEs’ geographical scope in terms of a local, multi-local/regional, or global focus and show how formal and informal institutional contexts influence the design and implementation of CE. Our analysis demonstrates that established conceptualizations in the international business field of MNEs and the business systems in which they operate are useful for understanding CE, but further international business research is needed about how MNEs can help implement the transition towards CE.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2011 Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck MSc in Strategic Management
2009 University of Applied Sciences Worms B.A.
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2019 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Ph.D. Candidate in Business and Economics
2015 - 2018 Audi (China) Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. Corporate Strategy Manager
2014 - 2014 Audi AG Brand Strategist
2012 - 2013 R-1V on behalf of Audi AG Consumer Insights Specialist