Employee Profile

Randi Lunnan

Head of Department - Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship


I have most of my education from the Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen. During my PhD studies I also spent a year at Harvard. I have been at BI since 1999, from 2008 I was appointed full professor, and from 2012 I have been Head of Department.

Research areas
MY research interest is strategic alliances, particularly how they develop over time, and international management where I have looked into headquarter activities.

Teaching areas

Teaching includes International Management at the Executive Master of Management, International Business in our BI/Fudan MBA Program, Strategic Management in Singapore as well as Internorganizational Relations at MSc and PhD levels.


Colman, Helene Loe & Lunnan, Randi (2024)

The Performance of Serial Acquirers: A Review and Integrative Framework

Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions

Prange, Christiane; Lunnan, Randi & Mayrhofer, Ulrike (2024)

The Diary Method in International Management Research

MIR. Management International Review: journal of international business, s. 1- 29. Doi: 10.1007/s11575-024-00539-3

Relationships between subsidiary managers and headquarters (HQ) have been investigated through various research methods in the international management field. The diary method is an experience-based research method that helps to tap into the actions, reactions, and emotions of managers working in the international domain. To our knowledge, no study has shed light on subsidiary-headquarters relations using insights from subsidiary managers’ diaries. We introduce the diary method to international management research and present an illustrative study on subsidiary-HQ relations, based on diaries written by fourteen subsidiary managers. We note that subsidiary managers display multiple types of emotions when dealing with their corporate HQ. We discuss how the diary method can enrich international management research, and in particular studies on multi-level subsidiary-HQ relations. Based on our illustrative study, we propose guidelines for using the diary method in the international management field by providing insights into the diary study preparation, the collection of diary data, and data analysis.

Lagemann, Benjamin; Lunnan, Randi, Brett, Per Olaf, Garcia Agis, Jose Jorge, Solheim, Astrid Vamråk & Erikstad, Stein Ove (2024)

What is a ship design firm, really?

International Marine Design Conference (IMDC) Doi: 10.59490/imdc.2024.914 - Full text in research archive

Ship design is a creative process serving a defined objective. This is normally an iterative process with the design being corrected and adjusted many times until it satisfies this objective. Ship design is taking place in a broader business context consisting of stakeholders providing necessary resources and information to enable the realization of a vessel newbuilding project. Activities performed by different actors, such as customers, suppliers and brokers, are organized by and integrated into a ship design firm. This paper addresses and discusses different ways of organizing integrated design-related activities to deliver on the firm´s value proposition. A value proposition denotes the promised value to a selected customer, and through its value proposition, a ship design firm provides “superior” solutions to a customer’s needs. To enable this solution, a design firm draws on its current resources, including its past knowledge and experiences, and uses these resources in different types of processes, and – in different ways of collaborating with internal and external actors and specialists. In this paper, we draw on approaches from the field of business strategy to understand implications and trade-offs in different logics of value creation processes, how they can be applied in ship design firms, and their implications.

Van Tulder, Rob; Grøgaard, Birgitte & Lunnan, Randi (2024)

Walking the talk? : MNEs transitioning towards a sustainable world

Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Across the globe, concerns escalate about the effects of greenhouse gas emissions on global climate conditions, implications on global trade from pandemics, and the destruction of ecosystems from the exploitation of limited and non-replaceable global resources. Politicians and businesses alike agree that something must be done, the question is what, how, when, and by whom? What should firms do to reduce their carbon footprint while continuing to secure jobs and profits? When should firms make decisions to transform their businesses given the uncertainty of markets as well as the lack of clear guidance from global institutions? In this volume we ask: Are we actually walking the talk? This volume includes select contributions from the 2022 EIBA conference in Oslo, as well as a number of invited contributions. The book is a tribute to Professor Alain Verbeke who has contributed substantially to the theme of ‘walking the talk’ in the IB community. The chapters in this volume illustrate a broad spectre of research questions and ways to answer them within the IB community that provide evidence that many types of actors are taking – or can take - steps to actually “walk the talk”. The contributions also show, however, that MNEs face considerable challenges to make their ambitions real, which in turn presents a challenge for IB scholarship to develop relevant and robust analytical approaches to cover the transition problems that MNEs face.

Andersson, Ulf; Benito, Gabriel R G, Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2023)

Why Some are Less Willing to Share:Competitive Domains and Knowledge Transfer in Multi-Unit Organizations

Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4620947

Lunnan, Randi; Meyer, Klaus, Mudambi, Ram & Yang, Qin (2023)

The impact of knowledge and financial resource flows for MNE strategy: A typology of subsidiary roles

International Business Review, 32(6) Doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2023.102190 - Full text in research archive

What are the implications of finance and knowledge flows for MNE strategy? In this perspective paper, we discuss the antecedents and implications of HQ-subsidiary financial and knowledge flows. These flows differ, as the deployment of knowledge hinges on numerous contextual characteristics, whereas financial flows are relatively fungible. The complexity and diversity of knowledge resources make their transfer sensitive to several subsidiary-level characteristics such as R&D mandates, location, and inter-unit interdependencies. In contrast, financial resource flows are relatively easier to measure and directly compare across domains. Hence, they are likely to be allocated primarily on risk considerations, notably the equity control over the subsidiary. Both flows are needed for subsidiaries to succeed. Based on the interrelations of knowledge and financial resources flows into the subsidiaries, four types of subsidiary roles are categorized: strategic growth, interrelated, diversified, and independent. We discuss implications on subsidiary competitiveness and MNE risk and point to future research avenues addressing the dynamic and interrelated flows of both these resources.

Colman, Helene Loe; Rouzies, Audrey & Lunnan, Randi (2023)

Social integration in subsidiary-building acquisitions

Journal of International Business Studies, 54, s. 1712- 1722. Doi: 10.1057/s41267-023-00633-y - Full text in research archive

We identify and conceptualize the phenomenon of subsidiary-building acquisitions. International acquisitions provide a powerful means for multinational corporations (MNCs) to grow their existing subsidiaries. The integration of subsidiary-building acquisitions involves a triad of actors: the MNC, the existing subsidiary, and the target. However, extant research emphasizes international acquisitions as a cross-border phenomenon, focusing in a limited way on the foreign acquirer–local target dyad, thus ignoring the complexities of subsidiary-building acquisitions. Through a qualitative study of a Norwegian target acquired by a French MNC with an existing Norwegian subsidiary, we find that subsidiary-building acquisitions involve tensions between autonomy and integration in two distinct and interrelated integration processes: local integration and cross-border integration. We uncover how pressures for autonomy in one process counter-intuitively trigger pressures for integration in the other. These dynamics fuel headquarters–subsidiary relationships and subsidiary cohesion, the two components of social integration in subsidiary-building acquisitions. By unearthing the underexplored phenomenon of subsidiary-building acquisitions, we provide novel insights into the complexities of international acquisitions. We bridge the merger and acquisition (M&A) and MNC literatures, thus paving the way for research on international acquisitions to move beyond the acquirer–target dyad to understand their implications for MNCs.

Colman, Helene Loe & Lunnan, Randi (2022)

Pulling Together While Falling Apart: A Relational View on Integration in Serial Acquirers

Journal of Management Doi: 10.1177/01492063221121788 - Full text in research archive

Lavie, Dovev; Lunnan, Randi & Truong, Binh Minh Thi (2022)

How Does a Partner’s Acquisition Affect the Value of the Firm’s Alliance with That Partner?

Strategic Management Journal Doi: 10.1002/smj.3389 - Full text in research archive

How does an acquisition initiated by a firm's alliance partner affect the value that the firm can create and capture from its alliance with that partner? We conjecture that the similarity between the businesses of the firm and its partner's acquisition target restricts the firm's ability to create and capture value from its alliance, whereas the complementarity between their businesses enhances the firm's gain from its alliance. We further expect relational embeddedness between the firm and its partner to mitigate the competitive tension associated with similarity while reinforcing synergies ascribed to complementarity. Our analysis of 361 firms and their 590 alliances with 91 partners that acquired 164 targets during 2000–2016 supports our predictions about business similarity and complementarity but refutes those concerning relational embeddedness.

Lavie, Dovev; Lunnan, Randi & Truong, Binh T. Minh (2020)

How Does a Partner's Acquisition Affect the Value of the Alliance?

Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1) Doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.8 - Full text in research archive

Our study examines how a partner’s acquisition affects the value created and captured by the firm given the nature of its associations with the partner and with the partner’s acquisition target. We conjecture that business similarity between the firm and the acquisition target undermines value creation and capture, whereas business complementarity with that target creates value. We then contend that the relational embeddedness between the firm and its partner mitigates the negative effect of business similarity with the target while reinforcing the positive effect of their complementarity. Using an event study methodology, our analysis offers support to the opposing effects of business similarity and complementarity, but counters the predictions relating to the moderating effects of relational embeddedness. We conclude that if a partner acquires a target that competes with the firm, this indicates the breakdown of trust in their embedded relationship and creates a risk of knowledge spillover, which undermines the firm’s value creation and capture from the alliance. In addition, relation-specific routines can become rigid, which may prevent the firm from leveraging the complementary resources of the partner’s acquisition target.

Amdam, Rolv Petter Storvik; Lunnan, Randi, Bjarnar, Ove & Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld (2020)

Keeping up with the neighbors: The role of cluster identity in internationalization

Journal of World Business, 55(5), s. 1- 13. Doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2020.101125 - Full text in research archive

This paper explores the implications of the collective identity of a regional cluster on firms’ internationalization. Prior research has established the value of cluster “insidership” through access to knowledge and resources. Through a longitudinal study, we find that cluster identity, through distinct identity claims, provides imperatives and shapes the motivation of firms to internationalize. These imperatives, we argue, stem from cluster identity seen as defined features of regional collectives, extending reference theory to encompass the role of social cues from similar firms located geographically close. The imperatives are particularly salient in the early stages of firms’ internationalization, adding the role of cluster identity to explain the differences between inexperienced and experienced firms in internationalization. Keywords: Cluster identity; Internationalization; Multinational enterprise; Longitudinal study.

Lunnan, Randi & McGaughey, Sara L (2019)

Orchestrating international production networks when formal authority shifts

Journal of World Business, 54(5) Doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2019.101000 - Full text in research archive

We investigate how a brand-owning MNE can orchestrate its international production network following a loss of formal authority and a shift in ‘hub firm’ status to another member of the network. Our empirical material is drawn from a case study of a Norwegian shipbuilder who, despite formal authority shifting to another network member, faces a continuing imperative to coordinate and safeguard exchanges to ensure that network-wide performance objectives are met. We illuminate what mechanisms are used by a network orchestrator with limited formal authority, when they are used, and by whom they are developed and deployed. Our findings question theorizations that assume a single, stable orchestrator, and that give primacy to the ‘executive suite’. We show network orchestration as contingent and underpinned by adaptations, interdependencies and tensions.

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre, Andersson, Ulf & Benito, Gabriel R G (2019)

Dealing with headquarters in the multinational corporation: a subsidiary perspective on organizing costs

Journal of Organization Design, 8(1), s. 1- 24. Doi: 10.1186/s41469-019-0052-y - Full text in research archive

Benito, Gabriel R G & Lunnan, Randi (2019)

Voyages of a Scholar: Navigating Companies, Channels, and Clusters


Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre & Benito, Gabriel R G (2016)

Exploring subsidiaries’ perceptions of corporate headquarters: Subsidiary initiatives and organizing costs

Research in Global Strategic Management, 17, s. 165- 189. Doi: 10.1108/S1064-485720160000017007

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre & Benito, Gabriel R G (2016)

Exploring Subsidiaries’ Perceptions of Corporate Headquarters: Subsidiary Initiatives and Organizing Costs

Ambos, Tina C; Ambos, Bjørn & Birkinshaw, Julian (red.). Perspectives on Headquarters – Subsidiary Relationships in the Contemporary MNC

Benito, Gabriel R G; Rygh, Asmund & Lunnan, Randi (2016)

The Benefits of Internationalization for State-Owned Enterprises

Global Strategy Journal, 6(4), s. 269- 288. Doi: 10.1002/gsj.1138

Lunnan, Randi & Kovalevskaya, Daria (2015)

On the receiving end of outsourcing-value creation through mediation of alliance portfolios

Progress in International Business Research, 10, s. 407- 435. Doi: 10.1108/S1745-886220150000010017

Purpose: With the disaggregation and fine-slicing of global value chains, offshoring and outsourcing has become increasingly relevant for many MNEs. The purpose of this chapter is to understand the value creation of the receiving partner of outsourcing activities. This is a firm that will have many outsourcing alliances with partners, and one perspective to frame these alliances is the alliance portfolio perspective. We ask – how can a firm on the receiving end of outsourcing create value through the management of its alliance portfolio? Methodology/approach: Through a case study of a company supplying products to manufacturing industries, we investigate ways in which the company adds value for customers through different models of customer integration. Applying an alliance portfolio perspective, we study benefits of grouping alliances with customers and suppliers. Findings: Whereas most studies of alliance portfolios have focused on value creation within a portfolio, we find that the mediating capability of coordinating between groups or portfolios of alliances is critical. We also see that the risk aspect is important for firms receiving outsourcing activities. Research limitations/implications: Our findings have implications for the strategy and organization of the mediating firm on the receiving end of outsourcing. We have only data from one firm, and therefore our findings need to be tested further. Practical implications: Our findings have implications for managers organizing large alliance portfolios to include risk and mediation capabilities. Originality/value: The chapter uses original in-depth data.

Lunnan, Randi & Zhao, Youzhen (2014)

Regional headquarters in China: Role in MNE knowledge transfer

Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31(2), s. 397- 422. Doi: 10.1007/s10490-013-9358-4

To improve control and coordination with operations in distant locations, multinational enterprises (MNEs) establish regional headquarters (RHQs). The number of RHQs in Shanghai registered with the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce has increased from 154 in 2006 to more than 400 in 2012. Managing knowledge constitutes one of the major strategic advantages of an MNE, but little is known about RHQs and their role in MNE knowledge flows. Based on interviews with regional, subsidiary, and global managers, we explore knowledge flows involving the RHQ. Our data suggest that RHQs can have a role in inflows and outflows of knowledge, and that this involvement is influenced by RHQ management, structure, and position within the subsidiary network. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Benito, Gabriel R G; Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2014)

The virtue of in-between pragmatism-a balancing act between responsiveness and integration in a multinational company

Advances in International Management, 27, s. 75- 97. Doi: 10.1108/S1571-502720140000027002

Colman, Helene Loe & Lunnan, Randi (2013)

Økt effektivitet - eller det motsatte : serieoppkjøp

Magma forskning og viten, 16(6), s. 62- 70.

Karlsen, Siv Marina Flø; Youzhen, Zhao & Lunnan, Randi (2012)

Born-Global Firms from China and Norway : A Comparison

Marinov, Marin & Marinova, Svetla (red.). Internationalization of Emerging Economies and Firms

Tomassen, Sverre; Benito, Gabriel R G & Lunnan, Randi (2012)

Governance costs in foreign direct investments: A MNC headquarters challenge

Journal of International Management, 18(3), s. 233- 246. Doi: 10.1016/j.intman.2012.02.002

Swärd, Anna Sundberg & Lunnan, Randi (2011)

Trust and control in fixed duration alliances

International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances, 2(1/2), s. 41- 68. Doi: 10.1504/IJSBA.2011.038133

Lunnan, Randi; Ness, Håvard & Traavik, Laura E. Mercer (2011)

Alliance formation: the impact of teams and individuals in initial negotiations

International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances, 2(4), s. 271- 286. Doi: 10.1504/IJSBA.2011.044856

Swärd, Anna Sundberg & Lunnan, Randi (2011)

Does it Matter Who Trusts? A Multilevel Approach to Trust in an Alliance

Das, T.K. (red.). Behavioral Perspectives on Strategic Alliances

Lunnan, Randi; Benito, Gabriel R G & Tomassen, Sverre (2011)

Moving Abroad: Factors that motivate foreign location of headquarter activities

Advances in International Management, 24, s. 127- 152. Doi: 10.1108/S1571-5027(2011)0000024013

Benito, Gabriel R G; Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2011)

Distant Encounters of the Third Kind: Multinational Companies Locating Divisional Headquarters Abroad

Journal of Management Studies, 48(2), s. 373- 394. Doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6486.2010.00962.x

Colman, Helene Loe & Lunnan, Randi (2011)

Organizational Identification and Serendipitous Value Creation in Post-Acquisition Integration

Journal of Management, 37(3), s. 839- 860. Doi: 10.1177/0149206309354645

Lunnan, Randi & Traavik, Laura E Mercer (2009)

Is the standardization of human resource practices perceived as fair across national cultures? The cases of China, Lithuania, and Norway

Baltic Journal of Management, 4(2), s. 127- 148. Doi: 10.1108/17465260910958773

Hammerstrøm, S. & Lunnan, Randi (2008)

Motivating employees to stay: a study of Norwegian firms in China

M. Lie, R. Lund and G. H. Hansen (red), Making it in China

Becerra, Manuel; Lunnan, Randi & Huemer, Lars (2008)

Trustworthiness, Risk, and the Transfer of Tacit and Explicit Knowledge Between Alliance Partners

Journal of Management Studies, 45(4), s. 691- 713. Doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6486.2008.00766.x

Lunnan, Randi; Lunnan, Randi, Haugland, Sven A. & Haugland, Sven A. (2008)

Predicting and measuring alliance performance: A multidimensional analysis

Strategic Management Journal, 29(5), s. 545- 556.

The strategic alliance literature demonstrates that alliances create value for the partners, but also that many alliances fall short of expectations. This study addresses the complex issue of alliance performance. We follow one hundred contractual alliances over a five-year period, and study their performance in terms of: abrupt termination, short-term, and long-term performance. The results indicate that alliances that are considered strategically important are less likely to be abruptly terminated. We also find that newly established alliances have a higher termination rate than older alliances. Short-term performance is primarily affected by access to complementary and strategically important resources, whereas long-term performance is related to specific investments in human capital combined with the partners¿ ability to develop and expand alliance activities over time.

Lervik, Jon Erland; Amdam, Rolv Petter, Hennestad, Bjørn, Lunnan, Randi & Nilsen, Sølvi M. (2005)

Implementing Human Resource Development Best Practice: Replication or Re-creation?

Human Resource Development International, 8(3), s. 345- 360.

Lunnan, Randi; Lervik, Jon Erland, Traavik, Laura E Mercer, Nilsen, Sølvi M., Amdam, Rolv Petter & Hennestad, Bjørn (2005)

Global transfer of management practices across nations and MNC subcultures

Academy of Management Perspectives, 19(2), s. 77- 80.

The management practice we examine performance management (PM)-can be regarded as an extension of the traditional performance appraisal, linking individual performance to corporate strategy.1 Researchers separate calculative PM (focus on individual contributions and rewards) and collaborative PM (focus on creating a partnership culture between employer and employee, for example through competency development).2 In the United States, PM practices contain both calculative and collaborative elements, whereas in Scandinavia the calculative element is downplayed.3 Norwegian firms have had a long tradition of holding annual "planning and development talks." This is, however, a single, once a year event intended to promote good working relations more than a managerial system for evaluating, developing and compensating employees.' We suggest that when introducing a "foreign best practice" into this setting, national values present initial barriers, whereas organizational capabilities and systems are crucial for the final shape of the practice.

Lervik, Jon Erland & Lunnan, Randi (2004)

Contrasting Perspectives on the Diffusion of Management Knowledge - Performance Management in a Norwegian Multinational

Management Learning, 35(3), s. 287- 302.

Huemer, Lars; Becerra, Manuel & Lunnan, Randi (2004)

Organizational identity and network identification: Relating within and beyond imaginary boundaries

Scandinavian Journal of Management, 20(1/2), s. 53- 74.

Nilsen, Sølvi M.; Hennestad, Bjørn, Fergestad, Ingvald, Lervik, Jon Erland, Lunnan, Randi & Traavik, Laura E Mercer (2004)

Handlingsförlamad av dubbla budskap - dubbelbindingar i organisationer

Ledmotiv : Idèskrift om ledarskap, s. 29- 39.

Lunnan, Randi & Barth, T. (2003)

Managing the Exploration vs. Exploitation Dilemma in “Alliance Bridging Teams"

?, 38(2)

Lunnan, Randi; Løwendahl, Bente R. & Wenstøp, Fred (2002)

Ekstern Analyse

Grunnbok i Strategi

Lunnan, Randi; Amdam, Rolv Petter, Hennestad, Bjørn, Lervik, Jon Erland & Nilsen, Sølvi M. (2002)

Standardised Leadership Tools in MNEs – Critical Reflections on the Conditions for Successful Implementations

Journal of European Industrial Training, 26(6), s. 274- 282.

Amdam, Rolv Petter; Hennestad, Bjørn, Lunnan, Randi, Nilsen, Sølvi M. & Lervik, Jon Erland (2001)

Standardisering - en hemsko for fornyelse?

Magma forskning og viten

Andersson, Ulf; Benito, Gabriel R G, Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2020)

The Puzzling Effects of Social Integration on Knowledge Transfer

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Virtual, October 2020.

Colman, Helene Loe; Rouzies, Audrey & Lunnan, Randi (2019)

The national vs the local: Dual social integration in cross-border acquisitions

[Academic lecture]. Academy of International Business Conference 2019.

Lunnan, Randi (2018)


[Textbook]. Fagbokforlaget.

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre, Andersson, Ulf & Benito, Gabriel R G (2018)

The down side of social integration: A discussion of precarious HQ-subsidiary relations and knowledge transfer

[Academic lecture]. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting.

Tomassen, Sverre; Lunnan, Randi, Andersson, Ulf & Benito, Gabriel R G (2017)

The Dark Side of Social Integration: Knowledge Transfer, Bargaining, and Social Integration Mechanisms

[Academic lecture]. SMS Special Conference Banff.

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre, Benito, Gabriel R G & Andersson, Ulf (2017)

The Darker Side of Social Integration: A Discussion of Bargaining Costs and Knowledge Transfer

[Academic lecture]. EIBA Annual Conference.

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre, Andersson, Ulf & Benito, Gabriel R G (2016)

A Subsidiary Perspective on Organizing Costs in Multinational Corporations: The Roles of Distance, Coordination and Relationship

[Academic lecture]. Academy of International Business Annual Conference.

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre, Andersson, Ulf & Benito, Gabriel R G (2016)

Governance and the Roles of Distance, Coordination, and Relationship Atmosphere in the MNC: A View from the Periphery

[Academic lecture]. European International Business Academy Annual Conference.

Amdam, Rolv Petter Storvik; Lunnan, Randi, Bjarnar, Ove & Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld (2015)

The in-between firm specific and country factors : the role of clusters in internationalization decisions

[Academic lecture]. 41st EIBA Annual Conference.

Benito, Gabriel R G; Rygh, Asmund & Lunnan, Randi (2015)

Internationalization-performance relationship: The moderating roles of state and foreign ownership

[Academic lecture]. Academy of International Business 2015 Annual Meeting.

Andersson, Ulf; Benito, Gabriel R G & Lunnan, Randi (2014)

Costs and Performance Implications from HQs Intervention in Subsidiaries’ Affairs

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference.

Swärd, Anna Sundberg & Lunnan, Randi (2014)

Cross-level influences of trust in fixed duration alliances

[Academic lecture]. EGOS colloquium Rotterdam.

Fjeldstad, Øystein D. & Lunnan, Randi (2014)


[Textbook]. Fagbokforlaget.

Benito, Gabriel R G; Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2013)

The virtue of in-between pragmatism – A balancing act between responsiveness and integration in a multinational company

[Academic lecture]. Advances in International Management (AIM) Workshop “Orchestration of the Global Network Organization”.

Benito, Gabriel R G; Rygh, Asmund & Lunnan, Randi (2013)

Ownership, internationalization and performance

[Academic lecture]. European International Business Academy Annual Conference.

Benito, Gabriel R G; Rygh, Asmund & Lunnan, Randi (2013)

Ownership, internationalization and performance

[Academic lecture]. Annual Strategic Management Society Conference.

Benito, Gabriel R G; Rygh, Asmund & Lunnan, Randi (2013)

Ownership, internationalization and performance

[Academic lecture]. 12th Vaasa International Business Conference.

Martinkenaite-Pujanauskiene, Ieva & Lunnan, Randi (2012)

Co-evolution of Knowledge Transfer and Absorptive Capacities in Emerging Market Acquisitions

[Academic lecture]. SMS 32nd Annual International Conference.

Colman, Helene Loe; Rouzies, Audrey & Lunnan, Randi (2012)

Social integration post-acquisition: how identity claims demarcate and compound

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Conference.

Colman, Helene Loe; Hydle, Katja Maria & Lunnan, Randi (2012)

Who we are and what we do: strategizing and identity work in post-acquisition integration

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Conference.

Lunnan, Randi & Ieva, Martinkenaite (2011)

Co-evolution of Knowledge Transfer and Absorptive Capacities in Emerging Market Acquisitions

[Academic lecture]. EIBA konferansen.

Tomassen, Sverre; Benito, Gabriel R G & Lunnan, Randi (2011)

Governance costs in foreign establishment modes: A MNC headquarters puzzle

[Academic lecture]. AIB Annual Conference.

Lunnan, Randi; Benito, Gabriel R G & Tomassen, Sverre (2011)

Foreign location and relocation of headquarter activities over time

[Academic lecture]. SMS Annual Conference.

Tomassen, Sverre; Benito, Gabriel R G & Lunnan, Randi (2011)

Governance costs in foreign establishment modes: A MNC headquarters puzzle

[Academic lecture]. EIBA Annual Conference.

Lunnan, Randi & Nygaard, Arne (2011)

Strategiske Allianser

[Scientific book]. Fagbokforlaget.

Lunnan, Randi; Benito, Gabriel R G & Tomassen, Sverre (2009)

Leaving the Periphery: The Location of Division Headquarters among Large Norwegian Companies, 2000-2006

[Academic lecture]. The second IB conference at Reading.

Tomassen, Sverre & Lunnan, Randi (2009)

Knowledge Transfer and Role Changes

[Academic lecture]. SMS Washington DC Conference.

Lunnan, Randi (2009)

Desperately seeking the right model: Role changes in a service organization

[Academic lecture]. 2009 Annual Strategic Management Society Conference.

Hydle, Katja Maria & Lunnan, Randi (2008)

Transnational Collaboration Practices in Project Phases: The Use of Social Capital in IPSFs

[Academic lecture]. Second Annual Workshop on Enactment and Development of Social Capital in International Professional Service Firms (IPSFs) and MNCs.

Hydle, Katja Maria; Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2008)

Activity linkages in a service MNE: Control,coordination and location

[Academic lecture]. EIBA conference.

Benito, Gabriel R G; Lunnan, Randi, Tomassen, Sverre & Listra, Enn (2008)

Leaving the Periphery: The Location of Division Headquarters among Large Norwegian Companies, 2000-2006", International Business and the Catching-up Economies: Challenges and Opportunities

[Academic lecture]. 34th EIBA Annual Conference.

Hydle, Katja Maria & Lunnan, Randi (2008)

Intra-organizational Service Practices in International Professional Service Firms

[Academic lecture]. 24th EGOS Colloquium.

Benito, Gabriel R G; Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2008)

Leaving the Periphery: The Location of Division Headquarters among Large Norwegian Companies, 2000-2006

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society Annual MeetingAnnual Meeting.

Benito, Gabriel R G; Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2008)

Leaving the Periphery: The Location of Division Headquarters among Large Norwegian Companies, 2000-2006

[Academic lecture]. Nordic Workshop in International Business.

Tomassen, Sverre; Benito, Gabriel R G & Lunnan, Randi (2008)

Leaving the Periphery: The Location of Division Headquarters among Large Norwegian Companies, 2000-2006

[Academic lecture]. 34th EIBA Annual Conference.

Tomassen, Sverre & Lunnan, Randi (2008)

Knowledge transfer, role changes, and social capital - a case study of an international professional service firm

[Academic lecture]. Second Annual Workshop on Enactment and Development of Social Capital in International and Multinational Firms.

Tomassen, Sverre; Lunnan, Randi & Hydle, Katja Maria (2008)

Global Management in Service Firms - The Role of Linkages

[Academic lecture]. EIBA 2008 conference.

Benito, Gabriel R.G.; Christensen, Sverre, Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2008)

Fra operativ til strategisk internasjonalisering: En studie av store norske selskapers utflytting av divisjonshovedkontorer

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Amdam, Rolv Petter; Lunnan, Randi & Ramanauskas, Gediminas (2007)

FDI and the Transformation from Industry to Service Society in Emerging Economies: A Lithuanian - Nordic Perspective

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Engineering Economics, 51(1), s. 22- 28.

Amdam, Rolv Petter & Lunnan, Randi (2004)

FDI and the transformation from industry to service society in emerging economies: A Lithuanian - Nordic perspective

[Academic lecture]. EBHA Conference.

Lunnan, Randi; Lunnan, Randi, Traavik, Laura E Mercer, Traavik, Laura E Mercer & Ness, Håvard (2004)

Initial alliance negotiations

[Academic lecture]. 14th Nordic Workshop on Interorganizational Research.

Traavik, Laura E Mercer; Traavik, Laura E Mercer, Ness, Håvard, Lunnan, Randi & Lunnan, Randi (2004)

Alliances: Should we send teams or solos in order to create climates of trust?

[Academic lecture]. 20th EGOS colloquium: The Organization as a Set of Dynamic Relationships.

Lunnan, Randi; Lunnan, Randi, Ness, Håvard, Traavik, Laura E Mercer & Traavik, Laura E Mercer (2003)

Information sharing within and between alliance teams: Tight teams and loose alliances?

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society 23rd Annual International Conference.

Lunnan, Randi; Lunnan, Randi, Ness, Håvard, Traavik, Laura E Mercer & Traavik, Laura E Mercer (2003)

Cohesion, Information Sharing and Outcomes in Alliance Intra- and Interteam Interaction

[Academic lecture]. 10th International Conference on Multi-organizational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks (MOPAN).

Huemer, Lars; Becerra, Manuel & Lunnan, Randi (2002)

Organisational Identity and Network Identification: Creating and Perceiving Imaginary Boundaries

[Academic lecture]. The (inaugural) meeting of the IMP Group in Australia.

Huemer, Lars; Becerra, Manuel & Lunnan, Randi (2002)

Organisational identity and network identification: Implications for network effectiveness, legitimacy and cooperation

[Academic lecture]. The Umeå conference on Different perspectives on competition and cooperation.

Lunnan, Randi; Lunnan, Randi, Haugland, Sven A. & Haugland, Sven A. (2002)

Survival, Short-Term and Long-Term Performance of Strategic Alliances

[Report]. Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning.

Lunnan, Randi; Lunnan, Randi, Haugland, Sven A. & Haugland, Sven A. (2002)

Survival, Terminatin and Performance of Strategic Alliances

[Academic lecture]. The 18th Annual IMP Conference.

Traavik, Laura E. Mercer; Lervik, Jon Erland Bonde, Lunnan, Randi & Amdam, Rolv Petter Storvik (2001)

What is repatriate competence?

[Academic lecture]. Global Human Resource Management Conference.

Lunnan, Randi; Huemer, Lars & Becerra, Manuel (2001)

Change options through network relations

[Academic lecture]. 17th IMP conference.

Lunnan, Randi; Lunnan, Randi, Haugland, Sven A. & Haugland, Sven A. (2001)

Corporate Responses and Alliance Development over Time

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society: 20th Annual International Conference.

Lervik, Jon Erland; Amdam, Rolv Petter, Lunnan, Randi & Mercer Traavik, Laura (2000)

Organizational recipes and Management Practice in Multinational Corporations

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Reve, Torger; Stokke, Per R & Lunnan, Randi (1995)

Retningslinjer for anvendt strategisk analyse

[Popular scientific article]. Praktisk økonomi og ledelse, 11(3), s. 131- 140.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
1999 Norwegian School of Economics, NHH Ph.D Dr. Oecon.
1991 Norwegian School of Economics, NHH Master Cand. Oecon
1987 Norwegian School of Economics Master of Science in Business
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2008 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Professor
1999 - 2008 BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor
1996 - 1999 Norwegian School of Economics, NHH PhD Candidate
1991 - 1993 SNF Research Consultant
1987 - 1991 Norwegian School of Economics, NHH Research Assistant