
Social entrepreneurship across different cultures

Book launch and panel talk

  • Starts:15:00, 11 January 2022
  • Ends:16:30, 11 January 2022
  • Location:Webinar - Zoom
  • Contact:Benedicte Brøgger (benedicte.brogger@bi.no)

Collaboration between public and private sector is crucial for solving many social problems both in Norway and China.

Norway is a small and homogeneous country with a centralized social benefit system but increasing economic inequality and exclusion. China is a large and heterogeneous country with fragmented social policies, but digitalization contributes to economic inclusion. Despite the differences, there are many similarities in the approaches to social entrepreneurship and innovation.

During the launch of the book «Social enterprise in China», by Professor Benedicte Brøgger from BI Norwegian Business School, the following panel of China and innovation experts gather to discuss the similarities and differences and what we can learn from them:

  • Expert on collaborative development Robert Salomon from Oslo Met
  • Media researcher and sociologist Shishi Fang from Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
  • Innovation expert and anthropologist Henning Kristoffersen from the University of Oslo

The panel will discuss the following topics:

  • current research findings
  • how to use digitization for inclusion
  • how to support those who do "invisible" work for the benefit of the community


新书发布 - 跨文化视角下的社会公益创业

在 BI 挪威商学院的 Benedicte Brøgger 教授的《中国社会企业》一书的发布期间,有幸邀请到以下中国问题和创新议题专家,共同探讨两国异同点,以及如何从中受益:

- Robert Salomon 奥斯陆大都会大学Oslo Met 合作开发专家
- Shishi Fang 上海社会科学院 媒体及社会学 研究员
- Henning Kristoffersen 奥斯陆大学 创新与人类学家

- 当前的研究结果
- 如何使用数字化促进包容
- 如何支持为了社区利益而做“隐形”工作的人

日期:2022 年 1 月 11 日 星期二 格林威治标准时间 14:00
Zoom 会议