European Communication Monitor 2022 Launch
The European Communications Monitor is the flagship survey of communications professionals across Europe and has been running for over a decade.
This year’s Monitor addresses highly debated topics such as the practical challenges of diversity and inclusion in stakeholder communications, empathetic leadership, CommTech and digital transformation, as well as quality in communications consulting.
Organised by the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) and EACD, with the support of Cision Insights and Funk & Fuchs, over 2,600 respondents from 46 countries shared their insights.
Join our expert panel to discuss the insights and findings in this one hour webinar.
A keynote presentation by:
- Alexander Buhmann & Dejan Verčič, EUPRERA and ECM research team.
Followed with a reflection of the key findings by:
- Kerstin Liehr-Gobbers, Managing Director and Head of Sustainable Leadership at Teneo Germany;
- Manuela Schreckenbach, Senior Director at Cision.
Moderated by Angela Howarth, Group Director Marketing and Communications, Energy Saving Trust and EACD board member.