Balancing Competition and Collaboration
A seminar under the AFINO program for responsible research and innovation
- Starts:10:00, 24 November 2022
- Ends:12:00, 24 November 2022
- Location:BI - campus Oslo
- Enrolment deadline:24.11.2022 11:00
Prosocial movements have arisen repeatedly in the business world, such as Triple Bottom Line and the Conscious Capitalism Movement. Likewise, some nations are more prosocial than others, both internally and in their conduct toward other nations. Building on his ground-breaking work in evolutionary biology, David Sloan Wilson shares his thoughts on how a unified framework for thinking about prosociality can result in a surge of effective policies for consciously evolving a world that works for all.
Nordic prosociality is among the most advanced at the national level. Inspired by Wilson’s multilevel selection framework, Atle Midttun’s comments reflects on how Norway may uphold the balance of competition and cooperation in the age of globalization.
- Time
- Title
- Speakers
Keynote: A Unified Framework for Prosocial Businesses, Nations, and Beyond
David Sloan Wilson, SUNY Distinguished Professor, Binghamton University
Comment: Prosociality a Nordic approach
Atle Midttun, Professor, BI Norwegian Business School