
Training the future leaders society needs

Green Bag Lunch on Transforming Business Education

  • Starts:11:00, 3 November 2022
  • Ends:11:40, 3 November 2022
  • Location:Zoom
  • Price:Free
  • Enrolment deadline:03.11.2022 10:45
  • Contact:Ann Kristin H. Calisch (ann.kristin.calisch@bi.no)

To solve today’s dire societal challenges, we need leaders who are able to generate purpose, ethics, system-thinking, interdisciplinary innovations and societal impact. International businesses and global associations are urging management educators to transform programmes and courses to deliver the kind of leadership that the world needs.

Yet, there is still a scarcity of leaders who are sufficiently competent and willing to move corporate decision-making towards progressing societal betterment at the pace and direction required.

Are business schools too slow to transform curriculum, pedagogies and incentive structures to develop our future leaders? If so, how can they speed up?Green bag lunch on sustainability

BI’s Green Bag Lunch –with Jordi Diaz from EADA Business School

BI Norwegian Business School’s Centre for Sustainability and Energy hosts 30-minute inspirational sustainability talks on "why" and "how" to teach sustainability and responsibility in business schools.

This time, professor Jordi Diaz, professor in innovation and Dean at EADA Business School, talk with BI CSR-professor Caroline Dale Ditlev-Simonsen about responsible business education. He will share how EADA has worked to transform their business education and to redefine growth. EADA is EQUIS and AMBA accredited, ranked “Top 30 Business schools” by Financial Time and member of UN PRME.

Jordi Diaz.jpg    Caroline Dale Ditlev-Simonsen