
PhD Defence: Binh Minh Thi Truong

Public lecture and defence of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD

  • Starts:10:15, 27 February 2023
  • Ends:15:00, 27 February 2023
  • Location:Campus Oslo auditorium A2-045
  • Contact:PhD Administration (phd@bi.no)

PhD Candidate Binh Minh Thi Truong, Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, will hold a public lecture and defence of her doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD in BI Norwegian Business School’s PhD Programme.

Title of the thesis:

“How Does an Acquisition Affect a Firm’s Alliance?”

Public lecture on a given topic.

Time for Public Lecture: 10:15-11:00

Time for Disputation: 12:15

The Evaluation Committee:

  • Chair: Associate Professor, Sheryl Winston Smith, BI Norwegian Business School
  • First Opponent: Professor, Xavier Castañer, HEC Lausanne
  • Second Opponent: Professor, Africa Ariño, IESE Business School


Professor, Randi Lunnan, BI Norwegian Business School has been the candidate´s main supervisor, and Assistant Professor, Linda Rademaker, BI Norwegian Business School, has been the candidate´s co-supervisor.

The Doctoral Dissertation will be available in the library at BI Norwegian Business School.

For the disputation, the academic procession will arrive at 12:15 sharp and the public must take their seat before this time.