
Simula@BI seminar: Nils Detering

Simula@BI invites Professor Nils Detering, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, to give a talk in data science titled "Optimal support for distressed subsidiaries - a systemic risk perspective."

  • Starts:12:00, 27 February 2024
  • Ends:13:00, 27 February 2024
  • Location:BI - campus Oslo, B3 inner area - next to meeting room B3i-108 or Zoom
  • Contact:Siri Johnsen (siri.johnsen@bi.no)


We consider a network of bank holdings, where every holding has two subsidiaries of different types. A subsidiary can trade with another holding's subsidiary of the same type. Holdings support their subsidiaries up to a certain level when they would otherwise fail to honor their financial obligations. 

We investigate the spread of contagion in this banking network when the number of bank holdings is large, and find the final number of defaulted subsidiaries under different rules for the holding support. We also consider resilience of this multilayered network to small shocks. Our work sheds light onto the role that holding structures can play in the amplification of financial stress.  

We find that depending on the capitalization of the network, a holding structure can be beneficial as compared to smaller separated entities. In other instances, it can be harmful and actually increase contagion.

We illustrate our results in a numerical case study and also determine the optimal level of holding support from a regulator perspective. 

Joint work with Maxim Bichuch, University of Buffalo 


More information will come.