
Norway's first Master's Degree in Law and Business

12 February 2019

BI Norwegian Business School will offer a new master's programme that combines commercial law and economics as of the fall semester that starts in August 2019.

BI has very strong academic environments that have proven their worth in Norway and abroad. BI is now offering a 2-year MSc  in Law and Business through an interdisciplinary cooperation between the two academic faculties. The new master's degree is the result of close cooperation among representatives from business and industry, the public sector and the attorney trade. The president of BI Norwegian Business School, Inge Jan Henjesand, says that people who can combine economic and legal expertise will be very attractive candidates on the labour market in years to come.

The programme will explore economic theories and models for organizing, financing and running organizations and businesses. This involves e.g. advanced knowledge of economics, finance and the organization of work, economic and accounting analysis, as well as project and business management. The economic subjects will be combined with teaching in legal frameworks as assumptions for commercial decisions and the running of businesses or organizations. Modern working life is becoming less and less national. That is why this programme have a clear international profile.

"Future candidates must be able to evaluate problems based on economic and legal perspectives. To make good and sustainable decisions, organizations must find candidates who can view problems from a comprehensive and contextual perspective. Jurisprudence and economics are key factors in that process," says Monica Viken, Head of the Department of Law and Governance at BI.

The content of the programme will be adapted to the public sector, business and industry.

Arnhild Dordi Gjønnes, an attorney with the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), is excited about BI's new interdisciplinary programme.

"It was exciting for me to participate in a process that led to this programme. We see the need for this type of competence in the business sector, especially among small and medium-sized businesses," Gjønnes said.

The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) accredited BI's new MSc in Business Law and Economics on Friday, 8 February 2019. Bi-bygget solnedgang

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