
MSG Consulting from Campus Oslo won BI’s national case competition

20 November 2020

MSG Consulting from Campus Oslo won BI Norwegian Business School’s national case competition, which challenged the participants to present proposals for how the food group TINE will implement its new strategy over the next three to five years.

A total of five teams from BI's campuses in Oslo and Trondheim participated in this year's digital version of BINCC, which took place over three intensive days at the end of October. The winner will represent BI in the FEP UPORTO International Case Competition (online) 17 - 20 November, and in the BI International Case Competition 16 - 20 February 2021.

The teams had only 12 hours to prepare a presentation of The Second Case, presented by TINE, in front of a jury consisting of five company representatives from TINE, Gjensidige and Orkla.

Vinnerlaget BINCC

“The team is very happy with the result, but we admit that it was a tiring process as we only got two hours of sleep before the final presentation. We believe that our dynamic team skills differentiated us from other teams, as our individual strengths balanced each other well,” says the team members from MSG Consulting.

The participants were also challenged with a first case, presented by BI StartUp, earlier in the competition, where the student team Fischer Consulting from BI Campus Oslo emerged as winners. Fischer Consulting also received a second place in the TINE case and will therefore represent BI in the John Molson Undergraduate Case Competition (online) 28 February to 6 March, 2021. MSG Consulting placed second in the first case presented by BI StartUp.

“Even after becoming number two in the first case, our motivation increased considerably after analyzing our potential for improvement with BI's case leader Svein Lund. We analyzed the competitor's presentations, chose what we liked from each team and then incorporated it into our own solution,” says the team members in MSG Consulting.

About BI National Case Competition (BINCC)

  • This year's case: TINE has developed a new strategy towards 2025. The vision is «Together we create a living Norway». TINE is now in the process of implementing the new strategy, and the teams were challenged to identify barriers and opportunities for effective implementation.
  • The winning team MSG Consulting consists of BBA and finance students from BI Campus Oslo: Collin Mazgaloff, Johs Seeberg, Hamza Ajmal and Sondre Skår.
  • The winner of the first case presented by BI StartUp, Fischer Consulting, consists of BI Campus Oslo students: Aleksandra Sem, Joakim Myhre Rolfsøn, Jonas Lindal and Vladimir Makhno.
  • This year’s jury members consisted of Nina Kvalheim, Head of HR (TINE), Unn Grønvold Nikolaisen, Category Marketing Director (TINE), Jakob Schjerven, Head of Media (TINE), Sigurd Syrdal, Head of Strategy and Network (Gjensidige) and Victor Rolfsnes, Brand Manager (Orkla).
  • For more information about this year's national case competition: https://www.bi.edu/about-bi/calendar/2020/october/bi-national-case-competition-2020/
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