
New Record for Scientific Publication

16 May 2023

In 2022, researchers from BI published 311 articles in scientific journals, the highest number ever recorded.

– To fulfill our social responsibility as a leading European business school, we must conduct high-quality research that is relevant to society and industry. This enables us to offer in-demand education and to contribute updated and useful knowledge to businesses and governments. It is very gratifying to see the positive development over the past few years, says Bendik Meling Samuelsen, Provost for Research and Academic Resources at BI.

The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) released publication figures for Norwegian research institutions for 2022 on Friday, April 14th. BI maintained last year’s record level and ranked 7th in Norway with 1.21 publication points per academic employee.

2022 was the best year in BI’s history for the number of articles published in scientific journals.

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Articles authored by BI researchers in scientific journals.


Stable high level and increasing quality in 2022

BI researchers had a total of 502 publication points, just below last year’s record of 508 points.

The best scientific journals are characterized by high citation rates and excellent scientific quality, which in turn contribute to the research being used and having a societal impact.

BI specifically refers to the ranking by the Chartered Association of Business Schools (ABS), which assesses the quality of scientific journals in business and management on a scale of 1-4*.

Journals ranked 3,4 and 4* (4 star) are among the leading ones in their fields globally. In 2022, BI researchers published 134 articles in such leading journals, up from 124 last year.

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Articles authored by BI researchers in top-ranked scientific journals in business and management (ABS 3-4*).


The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education also divides scientific journals into two levels, level 1 and level 2, where level 2 journals have higher scientific quality than level 1 journals.

In 2022, 40 percent of BI’s publications were on level 2. This is the highest ever recorded and up from 25 percent in 2015.


  • Every spring, the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education releases publication figures for Norwegian research institutions. You can find all the statistics here.
  • The top ten institutions with the most publication points per academic employee are MF Norwegian School of Theology (1,89), University of Oslo (1,73), Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (1,71), University of Bergen (1,41), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (1,27), University of Stavanger (1,24), BI Norwegian Business School (1,21), University of Agder (1,19), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (1,12), and Ansgar University College (1,04).
  • In 2022, researchers from BI had 355 scientific articles, books and book chapters.
  • 40 percent of these are on level II according to the classification of the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. This is the best ever recorded.
  • BI also evaluates scientific quality in relation to two indicators: the Chartered Association of Business Schools (ABS), and journals in the top 10 percent of those with the highest impact factor.
You can also see all news here .