
Anders Gustafsson wins BI’s Research Award 2023

14 November 2023

Research Professor Anders Gustafsson from BI’s Department of Marketing receives this year’s Research Award for having published outstanding research and strengthened his own academic community.

Anders Gustafsson

The award committee highlights Gustafsson’s "exploration of customer behaviour in the context of service interactions, his analysis of the transformative effects of digitalization on businesses, and his exploration of the role that customer satisfaction plays in nurturing enduring relationships".

"I am very happy to accept a great recognition like this for my work. As researchers, we usually get "rejects" for what we do. "Wins" are few and far between, winning a prize like this, especially from a collegiate, is special," says Gustafsson. 

As a researcher, Gustafsson covers a broad range of topics, data sources, and research methodologies. Yet, as the committee notes, his work is "always deep and careful". 

“I interact with companies all the time and get some of my best ideas from them. They are also a great source for data because we have a shared interest in finding the answers to our questions,” explains Gustafsson. 

Gustafsson’s research "consistently studies questions of strong practitioner interest, applying relevant theoretical lenses and first-rate empirical analysis to credibly answer them", according to Harald Øverby, BI’s Provost for Research, Learning and Impact, who handed Gustafsson the award during BI’s Research Day event earlier this month. 

"I am motivated by curiosity. Of answering the "why’s" and the "how’s". I also have a lot of fun in my work, working together with colleagues, and it is a fantastic feeling to see younger colleagues develop", says Gustafsson. 

This year’s Research Award committee consisted of Professor Bianca Beersma (VU University Amsterdam), Professor Tore Ellingsen (Stockholm School of Economics) and Research Professor Espen R. Moen (BI Norwegian Business School). 

You can also see all news here .