
Morten Kinander appointed to EU financial markets watchdog

3 July 2024

BI Professor is among the new members of the Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group at The European Securities and Markets Authorities (ESMA).

“This is a clear indication of BI’s leading position on law and finance in Europe and beyond. It is also valuable for Norway to be represented in European governing bodies because EU financial markets and financial law are of great importance to Norwegian politics and business. I want to congratulate Morten on this significant achievement,” says Provost for Research, Learning, and Impact at BI Norwegian Business School Harald Øverby.

ESMA is the EU authority charged with investor protection, fostering the integrity, transparency, efficiency and functioning of financial markets, and strengthening the financial system to withstand shock and financial imbalances.

"This is an opportunity to closely follow the regulatory work and supervision of European capital markets in real-time. Although Norway has a strong and distinct capital market, most of the regulation comes from the EU. ESMA has in part developed this regulation, and is responsible for its interpretation, application and oversight,” says Professor at the Department of Law and Governance at BI Norwegian Business School Morten Kinander.

Professor Morten Kinander from the Department of Law and Governance at BI Norwegian Business School.

The Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group provides technical advice on regulatory standards, guidelines and recommendations. It is also an important watchdog for EU financial law.

"Norway has quite a strong and distinct capital market. At the same time there are certain unique challenges for an EEA (European Economic Area) country. As the first non-EU member of this group, I may have a different perspective than the continental members," says Kinander.  

Professor Kinander is appointed to the group as one of four independent top-ranking European academics. The three others come from Bocconi University, ESADE Business School and Catholic University Milan. In addition, the group comprises 26 members from consumer representatives, users of financial services, businesses, financial markets, and employee representatives.

“I believe that with their strong expertise, diverse professional backgrounds and broad geographical representation, we have ensured ESMA will be receiving different stakeholder views and input from across the European Union. ESMA works to enhance investor protection, build more effective and attractive capital markets in the European Union and safeguard financial stability,” sats Chair of ESMA Verena Ross.

See all members of the group here: https://www.esma.europa.eu/press-news/esma-news/esma-appoints-new-members-its-securities-and-markets-stakeholder-group

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