The Organisation


Below you will find an overview of BI Norwegian Business School's Committees.

Learning Environment Committee

The Learning Environment Committee at BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, is to be the advisory body to the foundation's board of Trustees in issues which relate to the business school's learning environment in accordance with Section 10 of the Act relating to universities and university colleges.

Programme Committees

BI Norwegian Business School has a Programme Committee for each programme area: Bachelor, Master, Executive and Doctorates.

The Programme Committees are advisory bodies for the dean in the academic issues he/she is in charge of. The Committee deals with academic issues such as treatment of study plans, review of course descriptions (objectives, topics, literature, pedagogical models and types of evaluation), assessment of the areas and levels of expertise of lecturers, counsellors and external examiners, study progress requirements, admission rules, assessment of partners and approval of in-house courses, studies and programmes to be approved with credits.

Supervisory Committee

Reviews income statement and balance sheet, elects an auditor and ensures that the Board's use of funds is in accordance with legal provisions and statutes.

The Committee:

  • Christian Winther, Colliers
  • Hege Stensland Sveen, Vestre innlandet tingrett
  • Bjørn Brenna, Agra

The Working Environment Committee (BI AMU)

BI AMU is BI's working environment committee. BI AMU's authority, responsibilities and composition are stated in the Working Environment Act.

Karen Spens, President
Ingunn Myrtveit, Provost
Marius Eriksen, Executive Vice President Full-time programmes
Fredrik Wollebæk Thele, Director HR and Organizational development

Tale Rognerud Johnsen, BI Parat
Camilla Ljone, BI Parat
Robert G. Hansen, leader BI FBI
Toril Sigstadsø, BI FBI
Jørgen Finstad, safety delegate

In addition these meet:
Gerhard Schjelderup, Senior Advisor HR (secretary BI AMU)
Representative from Avonova Helse (BHT)