Picture and Personalia
- Name: Nora Bruu
- Born (year): 1998
- Degree: Bachelor in Finance
- Position: Previously Research Assistant at BI. Now incoming MSc in Finance student at Imperial College London
1. When were you an active case student at BI and at which campus?
I was an active case student in the school year 2021/2022 at Campus Oslo.
2. Why did you decide to join BI’s case activities?
I was drawn to BI Case because I wanted experience with solving real-life business challenges, as well as a chance to put the theory I had learnt through studying into practice. I was also curious about a career in management consulting, so I decided to see what case solving was all about.
3. What was the name of your case team and how did you find your teammates?
Our case team was called Bridge Consulting, and our slogan was “The bridge between you and
success”. A bit cheesy, but it just came to us.
4. Did you have a specific role on your team?
My main responsibility was the financials, but our roles did melt a bit into one another. We
always discussed the case and agreed on a solution together, before assigning different tasks to
each of us.
5. Which case competitions did you take part in?
I took part in BI National Case Competition 2021, in which we became runner-up (2nd place). Because of this achievement, we represented BI in Central European Case Competition 2022.
6. What is your best memory from your case journey at BI?
My best memory is probably our achievement in BI National Case Competition. We knew that all
of the teams had worked hard and presented well, so hearing our team’s name being called as
runner-up was a great feeling.
7. What are your top three takeaways from case training and competitions?
- Learning structured case solving, meaning that you start solving a case with a framework in mind. This allows you to focus your resources on the most important things.
- Becoming more skilled in MS Power Point.
- Becoming more confident when presenting in front of a crowd, which I rarely got to practice elsewhere while studying.
8. What skills did you learn from participating in case which were relevant to your development/career and how?
I hope to use the valuable insight from BI Case when attending interviews this fall. It’s particularly important to be familiar with structured case solving when attending management consulting interviews, as a key assessment criterion is how you attack the case.
I will also take my experiences from case with me to my first graduate job. In many graduate jobs, it is a big plus if you know how to create good Power Point slides. Also, good presentation technique is a winner whether you’re presenting a case in an interview, or presenting your work in a future job setting.
I also believe that my experience with case added weight to my application when applying for an MSc at my dream university.
9. Do you have any advice to students who are curious about case?
I would advise you to go for it, and to get started as early as possible. As you can “only” continue until the end of your bachelor, an early start will give you more time to develop skills and participate in competitions.
Not to mention that case is a great social arena, where you get to make friends and be part of a diverse community within the school.