

Branding is an introductory course to the journey of building and managing brands. It is about how brands are viewed by consumers and firms, which roles they play in consumers’ lives, and how they create value for the firms that market them. The course relies mostly on consumer psychology and aims to make students familiar with how and why consumers perceive, judge, and behave toward brands in the way they do. After providing a framework for understanding consumers' brand behaviour, the course introduces tools and techniques to develop strategic brand management programs. The course capitalizes on the latest scientific findings on branding and consumer behaviour in order to expand students' understanding of brand management.

Course content

  • Brands for firms and consumers.
  • Customer-based brand equity.
  • Brand ethics and sustainability.
  • Brand knowledge and positioning.
  • Brand resonance and brand value chain.
  • Consumer naive theories about brands.
  • Brand elements and multisensory marketing.
  • Multisensory experiences.
  • Integrated marketing communications and technology.
  • Secondary sources of brand equity.
  • Measuring and interpreting brand performance.
  • Brand extensions, architecture, and portfolio.


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.