Excerpt from course description

Leadership and Financial Crime


This course presents an introduction to theories of financial crime, stages of financial crime, and criminal entrepreneurship. Response, regulation and prevention of financial crime are described in terms of intelligence strategy, intelligence information sources and information systems. By combining insights into the broad variety of financial crime types and behaviours and alternative corporate approaches, this course provides a unique insight into the growing local and global phenomena of financial crime.

The course provides students with substantial insights into interrelationships between how financial crime occurs and how financial crime can be investigated and prevented. Based on theories of financial and organized crime combined with Norwegian as well as international examples, students develop a reflected understanding of overall crime situations, that enable them to discover and prevent such crime. Students accumulate knowledge about internal investigations and investigation management. This is a white-collar crime course that teaches students how to reveal criminals and their crime as well as to assess the seriousness and consequences of financial crime. White-collar crime is serious crime that may have victims such as the society at large, key institutions such as banks, other business organizations as well as public administration, and individual persons in society.

White-collar crime is financial crime committed by privileged individuals based on their professional status. The course will discuss how white-collar crime is detected, and how suspicions of white-collar crime can be investigated by fraud examiners and financial crime specialists. White-collar crime is discussed using convenience theory.

In the case of accusations, allegations, suspicions and warnings, investigations and investigations of facts are often carried out. Some investigations and investigations are about possible financial crime, while others are about possible work environment crime. There is often a connection between economic crime and work environment crime. Among other things, retaliation against whistleblowers can have financial motives for the business. The course will give students an insight into investigations and investigations by evaluating reports from such investigations and investigations.

Course content

  • Definitions and examples of financial crime
  • Convenience theory about white-collar crime
  • Convenience studies of white-collar offenders
  • Organized crime and criminal organizations
  • Detection of white-collar crime
  • Corporate social responsibility and crime
  • Whistleblowing of misconduct and crime
  • Private investigations and legal statutes
  • Contingent approaches to investigations
  • Considerations in private investigations
  • A closer look at the investigation business
  • Evaluation of reports from investigations and surveys


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.