

The students will acquire knowledge about the legal regulation of the real estate business.

Course content

1. Laws governing owner control and governmental control 

  • The planning and building act and other laws governing the building of new houses and changes to existing buildings 
  • Concession legislation (Falkanger § 7.6) 
  • The owner's disposal of real estate.

Compulsory literature: 

  • Bråthen/Røse Solli (red.): Lærebok i praktisk eiendomsmegling, del II, kap. 6, Lov og rett for næringslivet kap.16 
  • Falkanger, Thor. 2016. Fast eiendoms rettsforhold. 5. utg. Universitetsforlaget. § 7.6 og § 2  

2. Other subjects related to property law 

  • Legal rules on common usage of real estate 
  • Legal rules on restrictive rights in real estate (restrictive covenants, ground lease) 
  • Legal rules on real estate boundaries 
  • Neighbour law 
  • Right to redeem allodial land 

Compulsory literature: 

  • Falkanger, Thor. 2016. Fast eiendoms rettsforhold. 5. utg. Universitetsforlaget.
    § 3.5, § 4, § 5.5, § 11, § 12, § 13. 
  • Rettsreglene om hevd av fast eiendom (Falkanger § 5.5)  
  • Rettsreglene om begrensede rettigheter i fast eiendom (servitutter) (Falkanger § 12)  
  • Rettsreglene om fast eiendoms grenser (Falkanger § 4)  
  • Eiers rett og naboene (Falkanger § 13)  
  • Løsningsrettigheter (Falkanger § 3.5)  
  • Tomtefeste (Falkanger § 11) 

3. Family, inheritance and probate law 

  • Economic consequences of marriage, including contracting on behalf of the spouse 
  • Laws on and consequences of divorce 
  • Laws of succession (family/spouses), including regulations on statutorily prescribed share 
  • Laws on the drawing up of wills 
  • Laws on probate cases 
  • Unmarried cohabitation 

Compulsory literature: 

  • Unneberg, Inge: Familie-, arve- og odelsrett for eiendomsmeglere, kompendium for eiendomsmeglerstudiet, 2009 

4. Allodial rights and primogeniture 

  • Laws on the right to acquire allodium and on the procedures for such acquisitions. 
  • Allodial privilege 
  • Primogeniture 

Compulsory literature: 

  • Unneberg, Inge: Familierett, arverett og odelsrett for eiendomsmeglere, kompendium for eiendomsmeglerstudiet, 2009.


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