Excerpt from course description

Situational Leadership


Practical tools for you as leader
This is a very practical course depicting daily management of groups or small organizations. You are offered tools that you might try out immediately. As a leader you have to understand your followers and their situation, then you may choose a leadership style appropriate to the situation at hand, bearing in mind the development of your followers. The leader`s tool box is presented in detail. Much emphasis is given to creating a good atmosphere and good relations.

Course content

Perspectives on efficient leadership

  • What does the role imply?
  • Leadership on five levels
  • Me as a leader: Challenges and possibilities
  • Paradoxes and dilemmas facing leaders
  • Concern for followers and concern for tasks
  • Transactional leadership and tranformational leadership

Situational leaderhip

  • Various leadership styles: Telling; Coaching; Supporting; Delegating
  • Choosing leadership style according to followers` level of competency and commitment
  • Developing followers` competency
  • Evaluation and practical use of situational leadership. "Different strokes for different folks"

Leader`s tool kit

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Development of signature strengths
  • Goals. Delegation. Empowerment
  • Self leadership. Monitoring your own thoughts. Mental maps
  • "Strokes and punishment". Feedback. 360 feedback
  • Dialogue with followers. Coaching.
  • Time management
  • Flow
  • Handling the power aspect. Conflict management
  • Success criteria and pitfalls

Personal development plan

  • How might I develop as a leader?


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.