All reviews are available on the documentation page of this site.
The reviews discuss the current state of research on the sharing economy and outline some key challenges of such new forms of consumption. The review on participation looks at the uptake of sharing economy services and describes participation divides in terms of age, gender, socio-economic status, and urbanity. It also investigates key attitudes towards the sharing economy and motives why people use services such as home-sharing (Airbnb), ride-hailing (Uber), and peer-to-peer object sharing (Peerby).
The review on privacy discusses studies about the privacy implications of sharing services, for example in terms of data protection, social privacy (risks about personal rooms and spaces being intruded), and the extended self.
Finally, the review on power addresses three topics: feedback mechanisms, algorithms, and regulation. It shows how systematic power imbalances are at play between providers, such as Airbnb hosts and Uber drivers, and platforms, as well as between consumers, such as Airbnb guests and Uber passengers, and platforms.