Research Project

Measures for Improved Availability of medicines and vaccines (MIA)

Ensuring availability of essential medicines, vaccines and health commodities is one of today’s critical societal challenges


Marianne Jahre image
Marianne Jahre image

Marianne Jahre is Professor of Logistics at Lund University and BI Norwegian Business School. She has co-edited and co-authored several books and published articles among others in JOM, IJDPLM, JHLSCM, IJL: R&A and IJLM.

Jahre has been working with disaster relief logistics research and teaching since 2007, heading projects and supervising students undertaken in cooperation with IFRC, UNHCR, UNFPA, UNICEF, Norwegian Red Cross, and the Norwegian Refugee Council. She is an international delegate to the Norwegian Red Cross, and undertook projects on health supply chains in Uganda for UNICEF. She now heads a mobility project in cooperation with Jimma University in Ethiopia, a research project on drug shortage in cooperation with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) and 3 other universities, and a research project on Covid-19 response together with FHI and two health research institutes in Ethiopia

Dag Morten Dalen image
Dag Morten Dalen image

Dalen is Professor of Economics at BI Norwegian Business School. He specializes in the fields of regulation and public policy towards markets and tax-funded public services.

Dalen has worked extensively with projects on pharmaceutical markets, including studies of biopharma in European hospitals, generic substitution, and the effect of funding schemes on prescription choices. He is currently participating in a research project on drug shortage, funded by the Norwegian Research Council.

In addition to academic research, Dalen has extensive experience from policy analysis and consulting for ministries and private companies. He is currently the academic lead of a larger review of pharmaceutical spending and policies in Norway, a joint project with Vista Analyse and Ernst & Young for the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Health and Care Services.

Dalen is serving on the Board of Nye Veier AS, a state-company owned by the Ministry of Transportation and Communication. Nye Veier is responsible of planning, building and maintaining major road infrastructure in Norway.

Nonhlanhla Dube image
Nonhlanhla Dube image

Nonhlanhla is a lecturer at Lancaster University. Prior to becoming a researcher, she worked in the field for Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and served on the board of MSF Holland.

She has also been part of an assessment on the implementation of a data quality improvement plan for vaccines in Afghanistan. Nonhlanhla’s research interest is in humanitarian operations and supply chain management where she primarily explores issues in complex emergencies and overlapping disaster situations. Her first academic publication is in the Journal of Operations Management.

Stef Lemmens image
Stef Lemmens image

Stef Lemmens is Assistant Professor at the Technology and Operations Management department at RSM. His current research focuses on designing and modeling sustainable supply chains, more specifically humanitarian and closed-loop supply chains. 

He relies on queueing networks, mixed integer programming and dynamic programming to analyze and improve their performance. His work is practice-based and in collaboration with companies in the consumer electronics and biopharmaceutical industry. He published several academic papers in scientific journals, including Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, and Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Before joining RSM, Stef obtained his PhD in Applied Economics at KU Leuven (Belgium) and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at INSEAD’s Technology and Operations Management (France).

Kim van Oorschot image
Kim van Oorschot image

Kim van Oorschot is Professor Project Management in the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at the BI Norwegian Business School. Her current research focuses on decision making, trade-offs, and tipping points in dynamically complex settings, like new product development (NPD) projects.

Her research projects are aimed at discovering so-called ‘decision traps': decisions that seem to be good on the short term, but have counterproductive effects on the long term. For this purpose, she develops system dynamics models based on actual project data. She also teaches project management and system dynamics to executive, master, and bachelor students. She has published in such journals as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Project Management Journal, Journal of the Operational Research Society, and International Journal of Operations and Production Management.

Joe Viana image
Joe Viana image

Joe Viana is a Postdoctoral Fellow on the MIA – Measures for Improved Availability of medicines and Vaccines research project, at BI Norwegian Business School. He holds a PhD in operational research and an MSc in Management Science from University of Southampton, UK.

He applies operational research and other analytical methods to improve the understanding and operation of systems ranging from disease progression in individuals through transmission of infections within population, to the operational, tactical and strategic planning of hospitals and departments within hospitals, in several countries.

He is particularly interested in the application of discrete-event simulation, agent-based simulation, system dynamics simulation and the combination of simulation methods together and with other methods, to identify system wide improvements and unintended consequences. He has published papers in the European Journal of Operational Research, BMC Health Services Research, Journal of Neurology, Health & Social Care in the Community, and the proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference and contributed to a chapter in the edited book Discrete‐Event Simulation and System Dynamics for Management Decision Making.

Christine Oline Årdal image
Christine Oline Årdal image

Årdal has worked for 20 years on access to medicines through different sectors, including research institutes, governmental development assistance, pharmaceutical industry, pharmacy, national health service and insurance.

She was a member of the World Health Organization expert review panel for the overall programme review of the Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property. She led the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation’s (Norad) efforts within the UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women and Children. She was also a member of the Secretariat for WHO’s Consultative Expert Working Group on R&D: Financing and Coordination. She currently works for the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) with a focus on the policy aspects of antimicrobial resistance.

Årdal was a co-lead for the DRIVE-AB research project which aimed to transform the way policymakers stimulate innovation, the sustainable use, and the equitable availability of novel antibiotics to meet unmet public health needs. She is currently the co-lead of the research and innovation work package for the European Union’s Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI). She received a master of business administration from the Rotterdam School of Management and her PhD (alternative business models for discovering and developing new medicines for “neglected” diseases, particularly open source drug discovery) from the University of Oslo.

Emily is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Humanitarian Response Lab, where her thesis work centered on personal protective equipment supply chains during the 2014 West Africa Ebola outbreak. Emily has continued in the study and practice of health and humanitarian supply chain. She completed a Fulbright research project on Nigeria’s vaccine supply chains and subsequently served as a Supply Chain Officer with the World Food Programme for several years, where she supported humanitarian responses including the 2019 Ebola outbreak in northeastern DRC. Emily currently works with a logistics start-up based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Prashant Yadav image
Prashant Yadav image

Prashant Yadav is an Affiliate Professor of Technology and Operations Management at INSEAD. Yadav’s work focuses on improving healthcare supply chains and designing better supply chains for products with social benefits.

He is the author of many peer reviewed scientific publications and his work has been featured in prominent print and broadcast media including The Economist, The Financial Times, Nature, and BBC. Yadav’s research has received best paper awards from the Production and Operations Management Society, INFORMS, and other scientific bodies. In addition to this role at INSEAD, Prashant is a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Global Development and a Lecturer at Harvard Medical School.

Before coming to INSEAD Prashant was Strategy Leader-Supply Chain at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He serves on the boards of many global organizations and social enterprises. He has been invited for expert testimony on issues related to medicine supply chains in the US Congress and legislative bodies in other countries.
 Prashant obtained a PhD in Management Science from the University of Alabama and a Bachelor’s in Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.

Director for community engagement, Jimma university.

Lorenzo Gaviano

I am a research assistant with the Department of Accounting and Operations Management at BI Norwegian Business School.

I am in my 2nd year MSc in Business Analytics, and I am assisting on the MIA research project. I am contributing by gathering, cleaning and analysing data in order to support the creation of system dynamics and simulation models, with the goal to better understand and describe from a quantitative perspective, the relation between shortages and sales levels of pharmaceuticals.

Thomas Breugem
Thomas Breugem

Thomas Breugem is Assistant Professor at the School of Economics and Management at Tilburg University and visiting scholar at INSEAD’s Humanitarian Research Group.

His research interests are primarily in logistics and transportation systems, equity considerations in allocation problems, and strategic trade-offs. His current projects focus mainly on humanitarian logistics and access to health/medicine.

Harwin de Vries image
Harwin de Vries image

Harwin de Vries is Assistant Professor at the Technology and Operations Management department at RSM. His research mainly focuses on complex health supply chain problems, with a particular focus on improving availability of essential medicines and scaling up access to essential health services.

In close cooperation with relevant stakeholders, Harwin analyzes how such supply chains impact patients and how they could be improved. Harwin won several prizes with his research, including the INFORMS Healthcare Best Student Paper Award 2015, and published several academic papers in scientific journals, including Production and Operations Management, Omega, PLoS Computational Biology, and European Journal of Operational Research. Before joining RSM, Harwin worked at INSEAD (France) as postdoctoral researcher and manager of the INSEAD Humanitarian Research Group. Harwin holds a PhD degree in Operations Research from the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Frode Forland is currently Specialist Director for Infectious Diseases and Global Health at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, and an Accociate Professor in Public Health at University of Tromsø. He is also a senior expert at the EDCD and a public health expert at the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam.

Kostas Selviaridis image
Kostas Selviaridis image

Kostas Selviaridis is an Associate Professor of Operations Management at the Department of Management Science, Lancaster University Management School, UK. His research concerns the governance of inter-organisational relationships in supply chains, with a focus on contracting.

Kostas is also interested in how government procurement and contracting can be used strategically to pursue public policy goals, notably promoting healthcare innovation and improving availability of medicines and vaccines. Kostas’ research has attracted external funding from multiple sources including the British Academy for Humanities and Social Sciences and the Swedish Defence Research Agency.

His work has appeared in international peer-reviewed outlets such as the International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. Kostas serves as an Associate Editor in the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. He has held visiting positions at numerous institutions internationally, such as the Fisher College of Business at the Ohio State University, Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University, and Stockholm School of Economics.

Luk van Wassenhove   image
Luk van Wassenhove   image

Professor Van Wassenhove is Fellow of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS 2005). 

In 2006, he received EURO’s Gold Medal. He is Distinguished Fellow of the Manufacturing and Services Operations Management Society (MSOM 2009), and Honorary Fellow of the European Operations Management Association (EUROMA 2013). In 2018 he was elected Fellow of INFORMS and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Thessaloniki.

At INSEAD Emeritus Professor Van Wassenhove holds the Henry Ford Chair in Manufacturing, as emeritus. He created the INSEAD Social Innovation Center and acted as academic director until 2010. He currently leads INSEAD’s Humanitarian Research Group and its Sustainable Operations Initiative.

Professor Van Wassenhove currently focuses on aligning business models and new technologies with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, e.g. closed-loop supply chains, circular economy, and disaster and health logistics.

Torbjørn Wisløff is professor of community medicine at UiT - the Arctic University of Norway and Senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. He is a statistician and health economist who has worked a lot with evaluating vaccines, drugs and other health interventions.

He has published in a wide range of national and international journals. He is currently on the board of the Society for Medical Decision Making as the first from a Scandinavian country.

Victoria Ahlqvist image
Victoria Ahlqvist image

Victoria Ahlqvist is a PhD student at Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, Sweden. She has a MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management from Lund University with a specialization in supply chain risk management.

Ahlqvist wrote her master thesis on construction logistics and has previously works as a health and security manager and production engineer at a large construction company. Her current research interests are in supply chain risk management and governance as well as emergency supply chains and critical infrastructure flows.

Zelek Makonnen
Zelek Makonnen

Member of Task force and overall representative of the project management @Jimma university site.

Prof. Zeleke Mekonnen is a Professor of Medical Parasitology at the Institute of Health Sciences in Jimma University. He has immense teaching, research and community service experiences and assumed institutional responsibilities at local and international levels.

In addition to teaching & research, Prof. Zeleke has served in the university at various positions & has made successful contributions to the university & community at large that brought him to the level of full professorship at the University. Institutionally, he initiated & established Molecular Biology Research Centre & NTDs-laboratory at JU, which is currently one of the core research centre and providing research/teaching facilities across the university.

Dr. Mohammed Mecha (MD, Internist; Assistant professor of medicine)

Chief Executive Director (CED)/ V.president for Institute of health, Jimma University.

Iman Parsa
Iman Parsa

Iman is a postdoctoral researcher at the Humanitarian Research Group (HRG) at INSEAD. Prior to his current position, he received his PhD in Supply Chain Management from W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University.