News from BI Centre for Corporate Communication

Introducing The Management Toolbox for Communicators

April 3rd, 2019

This March, Sophia Charlotte Volk showcased how to maximize the effectiveness of communication by utilizing the management toolbox. Sophia Charlotte Volk is an expert in communication management, value creation, and evaluation and measurement of communication. She is a research associate at the University of Leipzig, and project manager in the research program “Value Creating Communication” of the Academic Society for Corporate Management and Communication. Volk recently co-authored the book “Toolbox Communication Management” (2019, in German language) and a study on tool usage (available at http://bit.ly/tools-cc). She has received several international awards for her research.

The professional management of corporate communication is a key success factor for communicators who are increasingly pressured to deliver business results and document their department’s performance. However, communicators often lack a repertoire of established management methods and standardized procedures for carrying out their tasks. In this breakfast meeting, Sophia illustrated how tools provide orientation and offer templates for managing frequently occurring tasks in a routinized and comprehensible manner. She also discussed which tools work best for analyzing, planning, implementing and evaluating communications and shed light on the most frequently used management tools in corporate communication.