In collaboration with the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society, BICCC hosts Prof. Dennis Schoeneborn from Copenhagen Business School, who talk takes the vantage point that the contemporary field of organization studies suffers from a theory-phenomenon mismatch crisis.
More specifically, over the past years, a wide range of loose and fluid organizational phenomena has emerged (e.g., terrorist networks, hacker collectives, open source communities, or social media firestorms) that escapes the established theoretical vocabularies of organization studies. He develops the argument that communication-centered perspectives are particularly well suited to tackle this theory-phenomenon mismatch crisis and to rethink extant notions of organization by foregrounding inherent processuality of organization, as accomplished in communicative practices and events. His talk will conclude with some more general reflections on the role of communication-centered perspectives in management and organization studies and the increasing attention they received over the past years.
Dennis Schoeneborn is Professor of Organization, Communication, and CSR at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and a Visiting Professor of Organization Studies at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany. In his research, he is primarily concerned with exploring the constitutive and formative role of communication for phenomena of organization, organizing, and organizationality. He currently serves as head coordinator of the Standing Working Group “Organization as Communication” at the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS). His work has been published in the Academy of Management Review, Business & Society, Human Relations, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management Studies, Management Communication Quarterly, and Organization Studies, among others. He serves as editorial board member of the journals Management Communication Quarterly and Organization Studies. Moreover, he is an incoming Associate Editor at the journal Business & Society.