Learning Center

Teaching Excellence Series

Teaching Excellence Series is BI's professional development courses for lecturers. TES consist of 4 modules offered both in Norwegian and English. Attending all modules and writing a paper will give you a course sertificate.

Thursday to Tuesday
  • Starts:10:00, 23 March 2017
  • Ends:14:00, 28 March 2017
  • Contact:Anna Steen-Utheim (anna.t.steen-utheim@bi.no)

The next course will be announced on our calendar. We can also offer tailor made modules for your research department or academic group.

Module 1: Planning
Module 1 helps you with pedagogical tools for planning. You learn about constructive alignment and how to align your classes with the learning objects of the course. We also show you have to structure a lecture and give you some hands-on advice on how to activate students in large classes. 

Module 2: Blended learning
This module focus on how to blend classroom teaching with digital tools. You will both learn how to plan for blending and get some hands-on experience with some digital tools. 

Module 3: Feedback
How do you create feedback loops where students learn and contribute to quality feedback? This is what you learn in this module. You also learn tools to give students feedback, especially for large classes. 

Module 4: Educational use of video
Are you curious about how to integrate video in your teaching? Do you want to make your own videos or learn how to get the best out of using videos that others have made in your teaching? In this module you will make your own videos and get feedback on how to improve it. You also learn how to make good videos and how to use the videos for enhanced learning. 

To receive the course certificate you need to attend all four modules and write a paper. The final paper will be a result of the work done in the modules. The course certificate is a documentation of your didactic and digital competency. 

Sign up for the course by sending an email to inger.c.erikson@bi.no. 

Course facilitators: Anna Steen-Utheim and Inger Carin Erikson