There are several ways to create teaching videos. Here we will show you some ways you can make simple videos for your students, and how to proceed if you want to explore the options of professional productions.
Streaming and professional productions
Many would like to have a streaming of their lectures, or get professional productions for different purposes. Here you can find information about who to talk to.
Stream a lecture, large meeting or something else? Contact Learning Center to discuss different possibilities.
Professional video
Communication and Learning Center are in many cases cooperating about larger projects. Contact them to discuss options.
Video - do it yourself
There are many ways to create educational videos. Here are some examples of how you can start making simple videos for your students.
Self-service video studio (BI - campus Oslo, A4i-069)
Use the studio to record a lecture, by speaking to the students, or by adding a narrative to your use of Power Point presentation, shared screen, document camera etc. Faculty Helpdesk will support you in using the room, and you can choose whether you want to edit the video yourself or let the editing team finalize your video.
Camtasia studio
Camtasia is a simple software that will enable you to create videos in your own office, using your own laptop. Add an external camera and microphone to increase the quality, and edit the files as you wish. Faculty Helpdesk can help you get started.
Mobile phone
The integrated camera in your mobile phone can also be used to create short videos. It's important to avoid to much background noise and movement when you are filming. The advantage of using your phone to create videos is that you almost always have it at hand - and that the students themselves also easily can create their own videos using the same technology.
Office Mix is an add-on to Power Point, that can be used to create and share interactive short videos. Ordinary videos, digital ink and polls are some of the possibilities.
Adobe Connect
Have you already held a webinar in Adobe Connect? Remember that you can record them - and that you don't need to have students online in order to hold a webinar if your goal is to create educational videos using Adobe Connect. Read more about webinars.
Self-service video studio
You can book and use our self-service studio in A4i in Nydalen. It is easy to make your own recordings that can be used as a flipped lecture or a repetition video before the exams.
The self-service studio with a document camera, microphone, mix panel and a monitor. Bring your own laptop.
You will get the assistance you need from our front desk, both to get started, and to take your recordings with you when you're finished. If you need to edit your recording, you can use our PC's behind the support desk and do it yourself with a little help from us, if needed.
The equipment in the studio makes it easy for you to choose which source you want to capture. It is easy to switch between multiple screens, including document camera, laptop /tablet and video, and voice.
You can book the room in your Outlook calendar. Search for "Videostudio selvbetjent A4-069). If you have any questions, send an email to BI's permanent employees can book the room Monday - Friday 07:30-21:30 and Saturday and Sunday 08:00-18:00. If you are going to use the room outside Learning Center`s opening hours, Monday- Friday 09:00-15:00, we recommend you to drop by in advance to get a short introduction.
Fill in form
You need to fill out an agreement form when you use the studio. You will find the form in the studio. Since you are the author, we need your information and signature (a cross) before we for example publish your recordings in our media portal, 23video. Deliver the form to Learning Center (we have a mailbox you can put it in outside opening hours).
Mix panel: Choose which source you want to capture: laptop, camera, document camera or a mix of the sources. It is easy to press record, pause or stop.
You are welcome to test it out!