

19 April 2021 - Santiago Uribe

NCIS Led a Session on Digital Self-Determination and the Digital Economy with Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society

 Digital Self-Determination and Digital Economy with Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society


The Nordic Centre for Internet and Society (NCIS) hosted a session on digital self-determination and the digital economy as part of a research sprint organized by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society from Harvard University, both part of the Global Network of Internet and Society Centers. This research sprint on the topic of digital self- determination brings together a cohort of 25 graduate students from all over the world and across disciplines to explore the topic of digital self-determination in fostering autonomy and agency in the face of shrinking choices in a world that is increasingly constructed, mediated and at times even dominated by digital technologies and digital media.

Santiago Uribe, Christian Fieseler and Christoph Lutz organized and moderated the session, which related strongly to recent research at the NCIS on digital labour, gig workers and creative work. The session included guest speakers Tiago Peixoto from the World Bank, Alessio Bertolini from University of Oxford and FairWork and social media influencer, blogger and activist Miss Balanta. A constructive and fruitful dialogue followed with the participants on how digital platforms allow individuals to develop their capabilities and flourish, or if they represent detriments in labour conditions.  

The Sprint contributes to the Network of Internet and Society Centers’ Ethics of Digitalisation initiative under the patronage of the German Federal President and with support by Stiftung Mercator.



Find out more about the Sprint here: https://cyber.harvard.edu/story/2021-03/research-sprint-examines-digital-self-determination-increasingly-interconnected-world


You can also see all news here .