We are very happy and proud that our colleague Kateryna Maltseva successfully defended her PhD Thesis on Digital Self-Tracking this Thursday.
In her dissertation, Dr. Maltseva is interested in the phenomena of self-quantification, the practice of tracking biological and behavioral data, predominately through electronic sensors and applications. Her thesis comprises conceptual work, qualitative explorations, quantitative surveys, and experimental studies.
Over the course of the dissertation, through her work, we gain new insights on how wearable devices are impacting the workplace and how, generally, standards embedded in technology mediate health and other efforts. We also learn about shifting perceptions regarding disclosure of personal, biological information, and how self-tracking technology has an impact on the sense of self, and self-worth.
We are very happy about the successful dissertation, which was graciously supported by the Research Council of Norway, and look forward to Dr. Maltseva's future exploits in academia.