Business and Alumni

Open courses for businesses

BI Executive delivers a wide range of open courses and programmes in continuing and further education.


Participating in an open course means that you meet other students from a number of different companies. You will gain insight into other industries, which often helps to strengthen the ability to innovate and create innovation in your own workplace.

In an everyday life characterised by change, we can say that lifelong learning has gone from being an advantage to a pure necessity. At BI Executive, we believe in the combination of "on the job training" and strengthening of formal competence.

As an employer, you will experience that BI Executive has a wide range of relevant courses. In total, the course portfolio includes over 200 courses that vary in scope (length of the course) and level (bachelor or master's level):

  • It is possible to take the courses both with and without completing the exam.
  • The courses are conducted either on campus, as mixed learning or online.
  • Arrangements are made so that the courses can be combined in flexible ways and put together into degrees for those who want it.
  • BI Executive also has a separate framework agreement for companies.