International Marketing
Gro Alteren, University of Tromsø, Norway
Niina Nummela, University of Turku, Finland
International customers and non-domestic markets continue to offer huge opportunities to international companies. Challenges are rife particularly for newer international actors, but also for the increasingly prevalent emerging market multinationals (EMNEs) and more traditional MNEs having to protect their position in competitive global markets. These international players are also faced with increasing demands addressed by consumers and policymakers to incorporate sustainability thinking and practices into all aspects of business activities. Companies are expected to change their focus from unsustainable production and marketing practices to business practices that meet sustainability goals. These international players commonly share the need for effective strategies to advance their growth objectives in advanced and/or developing markets. However, a major challenge is to assure that sustainable marketing considerations become the driver of growth objectives. This track welcomes papers that respond to the above-noted challenges and that reflect new and innovative marketing strategies meeting sustainability goals.
Papers on more traditional international marketing topics such as international entry modes, market selection, international marketing mix elements and standardization-adaptation levels, international branding, international advertising, international customer behavior, new marketing models and digital marketing, including social media are also welcome.
Adaptation-standardization, advertisement, artificial intelligence, branding, business-to-business marketing, country-of-origin effects, customer behavior, digital marketing, digitalization, distribution management, e-commerce, entry mode, export performance, export sales, international marketing, market creation, market-driven, market shaping, market orientation, marketing channels, marketing in advanced economies, marketing in emerging economies, marketing mix, networks in marketing, platforms, pricing, segmentation, services marketing, sustainability goals, sustainable marketing, social media, value co-creation.