The Fourth BI Conference on Corporate Governance (BICCG 2023)
- Time
- Title
Registration and coffee
Session I
Chair: Salvatore Miglietta (BI)
Capital Flows, Corporate Financing, and Institutional Ownership of U.S. Equity Markets
Presenter: Alon Brav (Duke)
Discussant: Miriam Schwartz-Ziv (Hebrew U.)
Voting Choice
Presenter: Nadya Malenko (Michigan)
Discussant: Kostas Zachariadis (Queen Mary)
Coffee Break
Session II
Chair: Bogdan Stacescu (BI)
The Polarization of Corporate America
Presenter: Margarita Tsoutsoura (Washington U.)
Discussant: Hannes Wagner (Bocconi)
It’s not easy being green
Presenter: Daniel Kim (BI)
Discussant: Aneesh Raghunandan (LSE)
Session III
Chair: Charlotte Ostergaard (CBS)
Sustainability or Greenwashing: Evidence from the Asset Market for Industrial Pollution
Presenter: Ran Duchin (Boston College)
Discussant: Nickolay Gantchev (Warwick)
ESG: A Panacea for Market Power?
Presenter: Doron Levit (U. of Washington)
Discussant: Johann Reindl (Oslo Met)
Coffee Break
Session IV
Chair: Roberto Tubaldi (BI)
Green Tilts
Presenter: Luke Taylor (Wharton)
Discussant: Adam Winegar (BI)
Paper on Responsible Investing
Presenter: Alex Edmans (LBS)
Discussant: Julian Kölbel (St. Gallen)
Concluding remarks