Admission requirements

MSc in Leadership and Organisational Psychology

This page outlines the specific admission requirements for this programme.

In addition, you must meet the general requirements for Master of Science.

1. Degree requirements

a) A successfully completed Bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS credits) in the field of business administration


b) A successfully completed Bachelor’s degree with a specialisation (minimum 80 ECTS credits) in one of the following academic areas, provided that the combination of courses gives a good foundation for further studies within organisational psychology:

  • Psychology
  • Organisation studies
  • HR and leadership
  • Economics
  • Pedagogy
  • Sports psychology
  • Various social sciences (e.g. management, international business, communication, etc.)

We recommend that the applicant has a combination of business related and organisational subjects (eg. Management, Strategy, etc.) from previous studies.

2. Programme specific course requirements

The Bachelor’s degree must include the following courses:

  • Research Methodology
  • Organisational and Management subject (e.g. Leadership, Psychology, Project Management, Organization theory /behaviour)

It is recommended that the Bachelor’s degree includes the following course:

  • Statistics and/or Multivariate Data Analysis

Applicants who does not have statistics are recommended to take a course in statistics before the start of the academic year. BI Norwegian Business School offers a preparatory course in Statistics in July/August each year.

3. Grade requirements

In addition to the entry requirements for all MSc degree programmes, including a minimum GPA of 3,5 on the ECTS grading scale (equivalent to half B/half C), the following requirements must be met:

  • A minimum grade of C in Research Methodology or C in statistics
  • A minimum grade of C in courses in organisational subjects (e.g. Leadership, Psychology)

Grades are posted using the ECTS grading scale.

Last updated 8 March 2024