Course description

Performance Marketing


The increasing competitive pressure combined with the availability of new "atomistic" tracking technologies forces companies to measure performances more accurately than ever. Performance marketing includes all the activities from digital foot printing to the use of machine learning algorithms for gathering and processing customer data (small and big data) aiming at reallocating dynamically marketing investments according to the results achieved on every single marketing initiative and every single time/behavioural unit - e.g. even day, hour of single web access. Every performance measure, then, could be integrated in a wider performance metrics framework, moving from tactical marketing actions to overall balanced scorecard-like measurement of company strategic behaviour.

This course provides a broad range of theories, models, methods, techniques, and specific metrics to measure and evaluate marketing performances in order to set investments and their returns, and ultimately the marketing contribution to company’s value creation.

Selected Topics

  • Performance marketing & metrics: epistemological and methodological issues
  • Relationship between marketing metrics and broader measures for value creation, based on the idea of balance performance measurement (balanced scorecard)
  • Mechanisms, methods, and techniques needed to evaluate and measure marketing performance
  • Competition and innovation metrics
  • Digital and social media marketing
  • Performance marketing mindset
  • Digital performance tools and machine learning algorithms


Bendle, N, Farris, P. W., Pfeifer, P., & Reibstein, D. (2016) Marketing Metrics: The Manager's Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance (3rd Edition). Pearson Education.