Research Project

Measures for Improved Availability of medicines and vaccines (MIA)

Ensuring availability of essential medicines, vaccines and health commodities is one of today’s critical societal challenges





  • Dalen, M.


    BI Business Review

  • Jahre, M., Årdal, C.

    Hvis egenproduksjon er svaret, hva er spørsmålet?

    Dagens Næringsliv, Reprint in ‘Overlegen’

  • de Vries, H. Jahre, M., Selviaridis, K., van Oorschot, K. and Van Wassenhove, L.N.

    Short of Drugs? Call Upon Operations and Supply Chain Management

    International Journal of Operations and Production Management

    This “impact pathways” paper argues that operations and supply chain management (OSCM) could help address the worsening drug shortage problem in high-income countries. This significant societal problem poses difficult challenges to stakeholders given the complex and dynamic nature of drug supply chains.

  • Viana, J., Van Oorschot, K., Årdal, C.

    Assessing Resilience Of Medicine Supply Chain Networks To Disruptions: A Proposed Hybrid Simulation Modeling Framework

    2021 Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings

    The objective of the proposed hybrid simulation modeling framework is to improve the understanding and operation of medicine supply chains, to strengthen their resilience to ensure the availability of medicines. The framework draws upon hybrid simulation, supply chain resilience and medicine supply chain literature. The utility of the proposed framework is presented through the development of a case model of a generic (off-patent) case medicine in the Norwegian system to perform scenario-based experiments on disruption events and interventions.

  • Dalen, M.


    Dagens Medisin


  • Dalen, D.M.

    Patenter når epidemiene rammer

    Dagens Medisin

Other articles from researchers


  • Saïah, F., Vega, D., de Vries, H. and Kembro, J

    Process modularity, supply chain responsiveness, and moderators: The Médecins Sans Frontières response to the Covid-19 pandemic

    Production and Operations Management

    This exploratory research uses supply chain data analysis, qualitative content analysis, interviews, and a three-round Delphi study to investigate how Doctors without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières; MSF) and its 151 missions employed process modularity during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Alban A., Blaettchen P., De Vries H., Van Wassenhove L.

    Resource Allocation with Sigmoidal Demands: Mobile Healthcare Units and Service Adoption

    Manufacturing and Service Operations Management

    We present a formal model of the long-term allocation of Mobile healthcare units (MHUs) resources as the optimization of a sum of sigmoidal functions. We develop insights into optimal allocation decisions and propose pragmatic methods for estimating our model’s parameters from data available in practice. We demonstrate the potential of our approach by applying our methods to family planning MHUs in Uganda.


  • Selviaridis, K. and Spring, M.

    Fostering SME supplier-enabled innovation in the supply chain: The role of innovation policy

    , Journal of Supply Chain Management

    Consistent with the focus of the second emerging discourse incubator (EDI) on researching the effects of institutions (e.g., regulations) and public policies on supply chains, we investigate how enacted innovation policies address SME-specific institutional failures in a public sector context, that of the English National Health Service (NHS).

  • Karamshetty V., de Vries H., Van Wassenhove L., Dewilde S., Minnaard W., Ongarora D., Abuga K., Yadav P.

    Inventory Management Practices in Private Healthcare Facilities in Nairobi County.

    Production and Operations Management, 31(2).

    In semi-structured interviews with managers of private healthcare facilities in Nairobi, we asked them about their (1) inventory control systems, (2) inventory control skills, (3) time/human resource constraints, (4) budget constraints, (5) motivations for inventory control, and (6) suppliers. Our results suggest that the problems are driven by resource limitations (budget and time/human resources), managerial issues (relating to skills and systems), and market mechanisms that limit overage and underage costs. Unavailability at the supplier level and motivations for inventory control are relatively minor issues.

  • de Vries H., Swinkels L., Van Wassenhove L.

    Site Visit Frequency Policies for Mobile Family Planning Services

    Production and Operations Management, 30(12).

    Using a large dataset of visits in Madagascar, Uganda, and Zimbabwe, our study models the relationship between the number of clients seen during a visit and the time since the last visit and uses this model to analyze the characteristics of optimal frequencies. We use the latter to develop simple frequency policies for practical use, prove bounds on the worst-case optimality gap, and test the impact of the policies with a simulation model.