Centres, groups and other initiatives

The Dynamics of Political Selection

A project financed by the Norwegian Research Council 2021 - 2026

Fiva and Smith (2017) introduce a new dataset featuring all candidates running for Norwegian parliamentary elections from 1906 to 2013 (later extended to 2021). Fiva, Vøllo and Sørensen (2020) build a similar candidate-level data set covering local (municipal and county) elections in Norway during the 1971 to 2019 period.

Collection of these data has been evaluated by Sikt, previously known as the Norwegian centre for research data (NSD), to be in line with the Personal Data Act (Personopplysningsloven) and is available for researchers at http://www.jon.fiva.no/data.htm.

The candidate-level data from Fiva and Smith (2017) and Fiva, Vøllo and Sørensen (2020), as well as data about politicians holding higher offices, have been linked to administrative registers in Statistics Norway. In the final datasets the national ID number has been replaced by a project-specific pseudonymous identifier that is similarly applied to the other individual-level data sources used.

Moreover, names and other directly identifying information are removed from the analysis file by a third party, namely Statistics Norway. In this way, the researcher cannot observe sensitive information on particular individuals in the analysis phase. Moreover, research results will be reported at the aggregate level in such a manner that no individual can be directly or indirectly identified from the final tables.

Questions? Contact project leader Jon H. Fiva.