Faculty and research
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Are you looking for someone with insight on a certain topic? Or someone who can contribute as a speaker? Select from the list below and see which expert you may contact.
A -
B -
C -
D -
E -
F -
G -
H -
I -
J -
K -
L -
M -
N -
O -
P -
R -
S -
T -
U -
V -
A -
Accounting -
Administrative Law -
Adoption and continued use of technologies -
Advertising -
Advertising campaigns -
Advertising History -
Africa -
Agents -
Agriculture -
Airlines -
Algorithmic Management -
Algorithmic trading -
Algorithms -
Applied economics -
Applied macro theory -
Applied mathematics -
Applied statistics -
Art and Museums -
Artificial Intelligence -
Asset allocation -
Auditing -
B -
B2B -
Banking -
Banks and lending -
Bayesian modeling -
Bayesian statistics -
Behavioral Economics -
Beyond Budgeting -
Big Data -
Board composition -
Board of Directors -
Bond markets -
Book Industry -
boundary-work -
Brands and Branding -
Brexit -
Budgets -
Burnout -
Business Analytics -
Business cycles measurement -
Business models
C -
Capital gains taxation -
Challenging conversations -
Change Management -
Changes -
China's Economy -
China's future -
Circular economy -
Civil War -
Climate -
Climate and energy policy -
Climate economics -
Climate psychology -
Climate Strategy -
Clustering (dynamic) -
Coaching -
Communication -
Communication and Language -
Competition -
Competition Law -
Compulsory arbitration -
Computational biology -
Conflicts -
Construction -
Consumer Behaviour -
Consumer History -
Consumer law -
Consumer Rights -
Consumption -
Contact theory -
Contextual use of technologies -
Contract law -
Contracts -
Contracts -
Cooperatives -
Copyright -
Corporate and innovation policy -
Corporate bonds -
Corporate finance -
Corporate financial desicions -
Corporate Governance -
Corporate History -
Corporate management -
Corporate risk management -
Corporate Social Responsibility -
Corporate strategy -
Corporate valuation -
Cost benefit analysis -
Cost calculation -
Cost efficiency -
Costumer Relationship Management -
Covid-19 -
Creative Industries -
Creative Industries Management -
Creative Labour -
Creative performance -
Creativity -
Crisis Management and Communication -
Cross-media Management -
Cultural Economics -
Cultural History -
Cultural Politics -
Culture and Digital Technologies -
Culture and Leadership -
Culture based tourism -
Currency -
Currency Risk -
Customer experience -
Customer Satisfaction -
Customer Service
D -
Data Analytics -
Databases -
Decisions -
Deep learning -
Default risk -
Derivatives -
Design -
Development economics -
Digital consumption -
Digital leadership -
Digital leadership training -
Digital marketing -
Digital platforms -
Digital transformation -
Digital transformation -
Digital work -
Digitalisation -
Digitalised economy -
Digitalised workplaces -
Discrimination -
Distribution -
E -
E-book -
Econometrics -
Economic Crime -
Economics and philosophy -
Economics consulting -
Education Management -
Educational Leadership -
Electronic Commerce -
Emerging Markets Investments -
Emerging markets, risks -
Emotional intelligence -
Empirical economics -
Employees freedom of speech -
Employment Law -
Energy -
Engineers -
Entrepreneurs -
Entrepreneurship -
Environmental economics -
Environmental Law -
Equality -
Equity Markets -
Ethical guidelines of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global -
Ethics -
Ethics in business and marketing -
EU -
EU Laws -
Euro -
European Economic Area (EEA) -
European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) -
Executive education -
Executive Pay -
Experience Economy -
Experimental economics
F -
Factor investing -
Family Business -
Family Economics -
Festival management -
Film Industry -
Financial Accounting -
Financial Contagion -
Financial Crisis -
Financial economics -
Financial Management -
Financial markets -
Financial systems -
Fiscal state aid -
Flexibility -
Football Economy -
Forecasting -
Foreign Exchange -
Foreign ownership -
Foundations -
Fundraising -
Furniture Industry -
Future Analysis -
Futures Research
G -
Game Theory -
Gamification -
Gas -
Gender and Tax -
Generative models -
Global environmental issues -
Globalisation -
Governance -
Governance and Accountability -
Government bonds -
Governments bonds -
Greece -
Green economy -
Green growth -
Green technology
H -
Habitual use of technologies -
Happiness -
Health economics -
Health Management -
Hedge Funds -
Hedonic and utilitarian use of technologies -
High Frequency Trading (HFT) -
High-frequency data -
History method -
History of economics -
History of Energy -
History of Technology -
Household/personal finance -
Housing -
Housing economics -
HR Attributions -
Human Resource Management (HRM) -
Human Rights -
Human-computer interaction -
Hungary -
Hydropower modeling
I -
Incentives and contracts -
Industrial Economics -
Industrial engineering -
Industrial organisation -
Industrial policy -
Industry Clusters -
Inference theory -
Inflation -
Inflation targeting -
Influence and Persuasion -
Influencer marketing -
Information Retrieval -
Information systems -
Information theory -
Initial Public Offerings (IPO) -
Innovation -
Innovation economics -
Innovation, global networks -
Innovation, regional and sectoral -
Innovation, studies -
Insider trading -
Inspirational Leadership -
Institutional Investors -
Insurance -
Intellectual Capital -
Intellectual history -
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) -
Intercultural Communication and Management -
Interdisciplinary collaboration -
Interest Rates -
Internal Control -
International Economics -
International finance -
International management -
International taxation -
International trade -
Internet -
Interorganisational relationship -
Interorganizational collaboration -
Investment analysis -
Investments -
Investor Behaviour -
Investor Sentiment -
J -
Job Satisfaction -
K -
Knowledge Management
L -
Labor Economics -
Law and Economics -
Leadership -
Leadership Communication -
Leadership Development -
Leadership Internentions -
Lean Management -
Learning -
Learning Conversations -
Legal Method -
Legal methodology and theory -
Lobbying -
Logistics -
Loyalty Schemes
M -
Machine learning -
Macro-finance -
Macroeconometric models -
Macroeconometrics -
Macroeconomic forecasting -
Macroeconomics -
Management -
Management Accounting -
Management education -
Market manipulation -
Market quality -
Market reform -
Marketing -
Marketing analytics -
Marketing communication -
Marketing Law -
Marketing Law -
Marketing strategy -
Mathematics -
Matlab -
Media -
Media Development -
Media History -
Mergers and Acquisitions -
Meta-analysis -
Metaheuristics -
Microeconometrics -
Microeconomics -
Mindfulness -
Mobile app payments -
Model selection -
Monetary policy -
Monte Carlo methods -
Motivation -
Multinational companies -
Multisensory marketing -
Music, Music Business -
Mutual Fund Performance -
Mutual funds
N -
Natural language processing -
Natural resource economics -
Negotiations -
Neoliberalism -
Networking -
Neural networks -
New Public Management -
Norwegian municipalities
O -
Ocean law and policy -
Oil -
Online Communities -
Operations management -
Operations research -
Optimization -
Organisation Design -
Organisational design -
Organisational Identity -
Organisational psychology -
Organization -
Organizational cultures -
Outsourcing -
Ownership -
Ownership forms and models
P -
Panel data -
Passion at work -
Penalty -
Pension accounting -
Performance Management -
Personality -
Pervasive technologies -
Philosophy of statistics -
Platform Economy -
Political Economy -
Politics and Elections -
Portfolio management -
Positive Organisational Scholarship -
Power -
PR -
Practice theory -
Presentations -
Pricing Strategy -
Privacy -
Private Investigations -
Probabilistic modeling -
Probabilistic programming -
Problem solving -
Process- and organizational innovation -
Product development -
Product marketing -
Production management -
Project cost estimation -
Project Management -
Property, real estate -
Psychometrics -
Psychosocial work environment -
Public economics -
Public history -
R -
R (software environment for statistical computing and graphics) -
Recruitment -
Regulation -
Relational Coordination -
Relationship between state and industry -
Relationship Management -
Relationship marketing -
Remote Management -
Representation learning -
Reputation -
Restructuring of the Public Sector -
Retailing -
Rhetoric -
Risk Management
S -
Savings -
Scandinavian Leadership -
Scheduling -
School Improvement -
Security management -
Shipping -
Sickness presenteeism -
Small firms -
Smart cities -
Social evaluations -
Social Media -
Social networks -
Social robots -
Software economics -
Sovereign Wealth Funds -
Sponsorship -
State aid -
State owned enterprises -
Statistics -
Stochastic analysis -
Stock Robotics -
Stocks, shares -
Storage -
Strategic alliances -
Strategic change -
Strategic leadership -
Strategy -
Strategy, corporate -
Stress Management -
Strike -
Supply Chain Management -
Survival analysis -
Sustainability -
Sustainable and Responsible Business -
Sustainable marketing -
Sustainable taxes
T -
Tax -
Tax policy and lawmaking -
Teamwork, Team Development -
Technological Change -
Technology -
Technology and Law -
Technology-costumer interface -
Temporary organising, projects -
Temporary organising, projects -
Terrorism and International Politics -
Text analysis -
The Budgetary Rule -
The Labor Market -
The National Budget -
The Norwegian model -
Theory of history -
Time series -
Time Series Analysis -
Tourism -
Trade, Commerce -
Trading strategies -
Transport -
Trust in organisations
U -
Uncertainty modelling -
United Kingdom -
V -
Value creation -
Virtual Teams
W -
Web application development -
Women on Boards -
World War II