The list below summarizes the Accounting group members’ publications in journals ranked 4*, 4 or 3 by the Chartered Association of Business Schools (ABS).
Academic team of Accounting in Department of Accounting and Operations Management.
Biehl, Henrike, Bleibtreu, Christopher & Stefani, Ulrike
The real effects of financial reporting: Evidence and suggestions for future research
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
Anchev, Stefan & Lapanan, Nicha
Investor base size and underreaction-consistent stock return anomalies
European Accounting Review
Lyngstadås, Hakim & Berg, Terje
Harder, better, faster, stronger: digitalisation and employee well-being in the operations workforce
Production Planning & Control
Bleibtreu, Christopher & Stefani, Ulrike
The interdependence between market structure and the quality of audited reports: the case of non-audit services
Review of Accounting Studies
Fiechter, Peter; Novotny-Farkas, Zoltán & Renders, Annelies
Are Level 3 fair value remeasurements useful? Evidence from FAS 157 rollforward disclosures.
The Accounting Review
Kisser, Michael & Rapushi, Loreta
Equity issues, creditor control and market timing patterns: Evidence from leverage decreasing recapitalizations
Journal of Empirical Finance
Bleibtreu, Christopher; Königsbruber, Roland & Lanzi, Thomas
Financial reporting and corporate political connections: An analytical model of interactions
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
Ge, Wenxia; Ouyang, Caiyue, Shi, Zhenyang & Chen, Zhanliao
Can a not-for-profit minority institutional shareholder make a big difference in corporate governance? A quasi-natural experiment
Journal of Corporate Finance
Impink, Joost; Paananen, Mari & Renders, Annelies
Increases in disclosure regulation: Is less actually more.
Che, Limei; Langli, John Christian & Svanstrøm, Tobias
Are Audit Partners’ Compensation and Audit Quality related to their consulting revenues?
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
Bleibtreu, Christopher & Stefani, Ulrike
Audit Regulations, Audit Market Structure, and Financial Reporting Quality
Foundations and Trends in Accounting
Lubberink ,Martien & Renders Annelies
Are banks’ below-par debt repurchases a cause for prudential concern?
Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance
Eckbo, B. Espen & Kisser, Michael
Tradeoff theory and leverage dynamics of high-frequency debt issuers
Review of Finance
Knardal, Per Ståle
Orchestrating institutional complexity and performance management in the performing arts
Financial Accountability and Management
Khalilov, Akram & Garcia Osma, Beatriz
Accounting conservatism and the profitability of corporate insiders
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting
Che, Limei; Hope, Ole-Kristian & Langli, John Christian
How Big-4 Firms Improve Audit Quality
Management Science
Lyngstadås, Hakim
An empirical investigation of how information sharing affects cash flow performance through competitive capability
Supply Chain Management
Downing, Jeff & Langli, John Christian
Audit exemptions and compliance with tax and accounting regulations
Accounting and Business Research
Che, Limei; Langli, John Christian & Svanstrøm, Tobias
Education, Experience, and Audit Effort
Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory
Bleibtreu, Christopher & Stefani, Ulrike
The Effects of Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation on Client Importance and Audit Industry Concentration
The Accounting Review
Andreou, Panayiotis; Cooper, Ilan, Garcia de Olalla Lopez, Ignacio & Louca, Christodoulos
Managerial Overconfidence and the Buyback Anomaly
Journal of Empirical Finance
Fiechter, Peter; Landsman, Wayne; Peasnell, Ken & Renders, Annelies
The IFRS option to reclassify financial assets out of fair value in 2008: the roles played by regulatory capital and too-important-to-fail status.
Review of Accounting Studies
Kisser, Michael; Kiff, John & Soto, Mauricio
Do managers of U.S. defined benefit pension plan sponsors use regulatory freedom strategically?
Journal of Accounting Research
Che, Limei & Langli, John Christian
Governance Structure and Firm Performance in Private Family Firms
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting
Renders, Annelies & Gaeremynck, Ann
Corporate governance, principal‐principal agency conflicts, and firm value in European listed companies.
Corporate Governance: An International Review
Dierynck, Bart; Landsman, Wayne & Renders, Annelies
Do managerial incentives drive cost behavior? Evidence about the role of the zero earnings benchmark for labor cost behavior in private Belgian firms.
The Accounting Review
Paananen, Mari; Renders, Annelies & Shima Kim
The amendment of IAS 39: Determinants of reclassification behavior and capital market consequences.
Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance
Kvaal, Erlend & Nobes, Christopher
IFRS Policy Changes and the Continuation of National Patterns of IFRS Practice
European Accounting Review
Hope, Ole-Kristian; Langli, John Christian & Thomas, Wayne B.
Agency conflicts and auditing in private firms
Accounting, Organizations and Society
Renders, Annelies; Gaeremynck, Ann & Sercu Piet
Corporate governance ratings and company performance: A cross‐European study.
Corporate Governance: An International Review
Kvaal, Erlend & Nobes, Chris
International differences in IFRS policy choice: a research note
Accounting and Business Research
Hope, Ole-Kristian & Langli, John Christian
Auditor Independence in a Private Firm and Low Litigation Risk Setting
The Accounting Review
Kvaal, Erlend
Discounting and the Treatment of Taxes in Impairment Reviews
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting
Bhimani, Al & Roberts, Hanno
Management Accounting and Knowledge Management: in search of intelligibility
Management Accounting Research
Roberts, Hanno & Chaminade, Cristina
What it means is what it does: a comparative analysis of implementing intellectual capital in Norway and Spain
European Accounting Review