
Department of Marketing

The Department of Marketing’s vision is to educate market-oriented leaders for the modern economy. Focusing quality, relevance and research driven teaching in all our programs our students will work for the best companies.

Department of marketing has new PhD candidates on the job market in 2017. Previous students have received offers from Cranfield School of Management, Nanyang Business School and University of Groningen.

  • Mariia Koval

    Phd candidate - Department of Marketing

    Dissertation: Essays on Antecedents and Consequences of Unplanned Alliance Terminations

    Job Market Paper: Alliance Termination Announcement and Firm Idiosyncratic Risk: The Role of Governance Misfit

    Research Interests: Governance of Interorganizational Relationships; Domestic and International Alliances; Marketing-Finance; Social Networks


    References: Kenneth H. Wathne, Jon Bingen Sande, Auke Hunneman, Bendik M. Samuelsen, Stefan Wuyts.