Creating courses
Adding courses
How to create a new itslearning course and add content in it.
Adding course forum
This forum can be used to discuss and share between you and your colleagues.
Create an assignment
How to create a group and an individual assignment.
Creating content
Copying course content from other courses
Copying all or part of the course into another course can save you hours of work.
Create test
A test can be used as a coursework requirement or as a volunteer test. The test can be open or anonymous.
Create a polling
A quick polling on the front page of the course, with ”live” results.
Recording a video in a note
If you have access to a webcam, you can easily add a video to a note. You can use it for feedback or maybe explain a topic that your students find difficult. NB. Due to limited storage space on itslearning, we recommend to limit the use of this function.
Embed a video
Mounting (embedding) the videos makes it possible to view the video without leaving itslearning.
Add a video in itslearning
We recommend to add videoes in a Note (not a File or link) in itslearning. The video can be added as a link or it can be embedded in itslearning.
Create a discussion forum
The discussion element is a forum where people can communicate. You can create both open and closed discussions. This means that you can choose weather all participants in this course can see the forum, or a certain group.
Create a conference (for chat and video)
A conference allows several participants to chat or have video conferences at the same time.
Create link
Sometimes you need to add links in your itslearning course. You may need to add links to your course description or to articles.
Give additional permissions in course folders
Give students extra permissions to folders so that they can add content to the folder.
Assessing assignments
Assessing an assignment - one by one or in groups
When students hand in an assignment, it has to be read and assessed. When giving the students your assessment, it will appear in the student assessment record.
Add columns in the assessment record
The assessment record is the students’ grade book in the itslearning course. It shows results of tests and hand-ins/assignments. It is also possible to add columns for oral presentations or other types of evaluations.
Useful features
Where can I find my itslearning course (with video tutorial)
If you cannot find the course you are looking for, go directly in to itslearning by choosing the link See all active and archived courses, or the itslearning link in the left menu.
How to search for archived courses
Courses will be archived after each semester. However, they can still be accessed by using the archived view.
Create a project
A project is a closed area for cooperation and information exchange between project participants. To get access to the project you have to be either a project manager or a participant. Most users (including students) can create projects and they can decide who to invite.
Create student groups
The group function can be used to segment students into groups when it is inappropriate to let the student’s choose their own groups.
Forward alerts and messages in itslearning to your private email (video tutorial in Norwegian)
Administrative guides
Add student to your itslearning course
Sometimes we may need to add a user. For example students who re-sit exams or external speakers who should have access to the course.
Add and remove yourself from courses
To enter a course, you have to be added to the course. Other times it may not be necessary to have access anymore, and it can be advantageous to be removed from the course.