
BI Open

BI Open is BI Norwegian Business School's institutional archive. The archive gives open access to scientific publications in full text.

About BI Open

BI Open's mission is to disseminate BI's research nationally and internationally, in order to assist further research, for teaching purposes, the business community, or the media and other interested parties.

The publications will be searchable in Google/Google Schoolar and NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive) and are ensured digital long-term storage with permanent links.

The full-text version of a scientific work (articles, chapters and books, as well as dissertations) is to be submitted to Cristin when registering the publication. Permission from the author(s) and possible co-authors must be procured before the full-text version of the publication may be submitted. When the document is uploaded in Cristin it will automatically be sent on to BI Open. BI's library is responsible for the archive and will check whether the publisher has permitted the document to be archived /made accessible in an institutional archive before registration in BI Open.

PLEASE NOTE that most publishers do not permit authors to post pdf's of printed journal articles, but many allow them to deposit the latest version of a peer-reviewed manuscript in institutional archives. The policies of the various publishers/journals are presented in the Sherpa/Romeo database.