For students | Opportunities

For students

Life as a student can be both exciting and challenging. On this page, we have collected relevant resources for your study time at BI Norwegian Business School.

On this page, you can read about various services that you can use during your studies.

Digital picture of a printer
Digital picture of a printer

Digital services

In the student portal, you will find useful information about our digital services, such as IT support, how to print, available software, wifi and E-mail.

Picture of a smiling woman from Career
Picture of a smiling woman from Career


Work-life is the next step after your studies at BI. If you have any questions related to your career, you should contact one of our career counsellors. They are ready to help you with, among other things, your CV, cover letter and your LinkedIn profile. You can book an appointment in the student portal every Tuesday and Wednesday. In the student portal, you will also find a wide range of articles providing tips for such as:

  • How to build and get to know your brand
  • What a good CV and application should cover
  • How to master interviews, cases or tests
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Your career opportunities after BI
  • Salary level for BI students
  • Tips for salary negotiation
  • What you should have in mind before you sign the employment contract
A girl watching the view
A girl watching the view

Job market survey

BI's job market survey is conducted annually. The results show that a degree from BI secures our students a good job: 

  • 90 percent of graduates were employed six months after graduation
  • 88 percent of students had secured a job before completing their studies
  • 9 out of 10 students recommend BI
  • 93 percent of students are highly positive for future career possibilities
Group room in the library
Group room in the library

Group rooms

In the student portal, you can book one of our many group rooms and find an overview of available rooms at your time slots. You will also find guidelines for the use of the group rooms.

The library at campus Oslo
The library at campus Oslo


Without just lending out books and articles, the library at BIs campuses offers a wide range of services. You can, among other things, book guidance with an expert on statistical software or surveys. If you need help finding sources or learning more about referencing sources, you can book guidance with a librarian. On the library’s pages you will also find articles about tips and tricks:

  • Templates and formal requirements
  • The Bachelor thesis
  • The Master thesis
  • How to cite sources correctly
  • Tips for finding sources
  • Data and personal data in student assignments 
Student counselling
Student counselling

Student counselling

If your days are stressful or frustrating, it may help to put it into words, sort through thoughts and look for solutions together with one of our counsellors. The team consists of professional conversation partners and will welcome you who need someone to talk to.  

Speak up

No students should be exposed to unpleasant experiences during their time as a student. BI has systems for complaints about unwanted behaviour, teaching, grades or formal exam errors.