Career Guidance

BI Career Fair

BI Career Fair is an event hosted every fall at BI, where you can meet representatives from different companies and prepare for the labour market through lectures and courses.

BI Career Fair is one of the largest career events in Scandinavia. As a student, this is a great way for you to get involved with businesses and network with potential employers.

For students approaching a competitive labour market, this is a unique opportunity to see, and be seen by representatives from different companies.

Throughout BI Career Fair, well-known business people will hold lectures at BI. Around 100 businesses attend every year. Our Career Service representatives will hold courses that can help you find jobs and build your career. They also hold information sessions about internships, if you are interested in learning more.

BI Career Fair ends with a large banquet where business representatives and students can meet in a more informal setting.

This is a large event, organized by volunteers from the Student Union at BI.