Centres, groups and other initiatives

Qualitative Research Forum

The BI Qualitative Research Forum serves as a network where researchers can meet, share expertise, learn new things, and support early career scholars and PhD students who want to embrace the same methodological interest.

Please find below a list of communities which offer regular events related to qualitative research and are open to everybody curious about the topic.

Ethnography Atelier

The Ethnography Atelier is a collaborative space that promotes ethnographic and other qualitative research in work and organizations.

The AOM SAP Reading Club

The AOM SAP Reading Club asks authors to provide a peek into the revise and resubmit process of an academic study. 

ProjectScrib blog

ProjectScrib blog: Interviews that we have been conducted with academics on how they write.  

The Practice and Process Reading Group

The Practice and Process Reading Group provides an ongoing opportunity to learn about practice and process research in organization and management studies.

Ethnographic Café

The Ethnographic Café is a place for ethnographers to meet across disciplines, generations, and countries. They gather to talk about all things ethnographic, from history, design, and method to analysis, writing and dissemination.

New Scholars

New Scholars organizes discussions between established and emerging scholars to explore ideas and discuss insights that stimulate a richer and meaningful management scholarship. Follow this list to find future events.